Questions tagged [owl-carousel-2]

Used for all questions relating to the Owl Carousel touch-enabled jQuery plugin version 2.

Owl Carousel is a touch enabled jQuery plugin that allows you to easily build carousel that are supported on a variety of platforms and devices.


  • Drag and drop support on mobile and in browsers.
  • Responsive
  • Automatic fallback to when is not supported
  • Support for modules and plugins


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323 questions
4 answers

Show part of next and previous items with Owl Carousel 2.0

I'm using Owl Carousel 2.0. I would like to show one item, a half (or less) of the previous item (left side) and a half (or less) of the next item (right side). Just putting a part of them out on the right and on the left side: I've been trying…
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3 answers

Refreshing Owl Carousel 2

I have 3 divs that activate slide toggle when I click on them. And inside every div there is owl carousel slider. If I trigger one div the slider shows, but when I click other div slider doesn't show unless I resize the window. How can I trigger…
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7 answers

How to re-render a owl-carousel item?

Well, I'm using a owl-carousel-2 plugin now. And I encounter the following problem: The markup code:
Alfred Huang
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1 answer

Reset owl carousel autoplayTimeout after user action

I let owl to his default option (5000) but I have a problem when I start to drag or use the navigation, the owl carousel doesn't reset this time. If I drag 3 slides in 4 seconds, the 4th slide has only 1 second and jumps automatically to the next…
Stefan Iordache
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1 answer

Owl Carousel 2 - Get src of current slide

I have the following code blocks. All i'm trying to do is get the src of the current image in the slide show. It's not working, nothing appears in the console at all despite it changing slide fine. HTML:
Andy Holmes
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4 answers

OwlCarousel autoheight on data update

I have OwlCarousel, which has an autoheight parameter set to true. When I update the data inside the
block, the height does not automatically change.\ I understand that this should not be, but, as an example, the block was…
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2 answers

How do I add classes to items in Owl Carousel 2?

My goal is to make a carousel that looks like this: In case you don't know what you're looking at, there are 5 images/items but only the center one is displayed in its full size. The images next to the center one are smaller, and the outer ones…
0 answers

Owl Carousel - auto scroll and setting it up to have 2 cards

I am trying to configure auto scroll to be activated on button click events - but also to have only 1 card per slide. Below is the current sample I've got working in the jsfiddle. How would I go about configuring the slider to take 2 cards, but be…
The Old County
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7 answers

Box shadow on items in owl carousel being cut off

I have got a box shadow on every element in my owl carousel. Problem is the outer most elements have their Box shadow cut off because of the overflow: hidden that owl-carousel utilizes. How can i get around this?
Kristian Nissen
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1 answer

Owl Carousel Horizontal Thumbnail Bar- add navigation

I have the following owl carousel with the thumbnail bar. Technology used here, Owl Carousel 2.3.4 Owl carousel Thumbs $('.sv-slider .owl-carousel').owlCarousel({ autoplay: false, autoplayHoverPause: true, dots: false, nav: true, …
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7 answers

Owl Carousal2 with items 1 and loop true

$(document).ready(function(){ $('.owl-carousel').owlCarousel({ loop:true, margin:10, nav:true, items: 1 }) });
Ashish Mehta
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2 answers

Callback events not working - using Owl Carousel

I am trying to detect when Owl Carousel is ready to be manipulated so that I can add content to it. The script below initiates the carousel but the initialized event never triggers.