Questions tagged [screenshot]

For questions about screenshots — digital images that show the contents of a computer display,

4322 questions
20 answers

How can I save a screenshot directly to a file in Windows?

Is there a one button way to save a screenshot directly to a file in Windows? TheSoftwareJedi accurately answered above question for Windows 8 and 10. Below original extra material remains for posterity. This is a very important question as the…
David Koelle
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22 answers

How to convert a UIView to an image

I want to convert a UIView to an image and save it in my app. Can someone please tell me how to take screenshot of a view or convert it to an image and what is the best way to save it in an app (Not camera roll)? Here is the code for the view: var…
Sameer Hussain
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6 answers

Using ADB to capture the screen

I'm trying to get a screenshot of the phone screen as fast as possible. Currently, I am doing: adb shell screencap -p /sdcard/screencap.png && adb pull /sdcard/screencap.png However it is too slow and takes up to 3 seconds. Is there any…
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15 answers

Take a screenshot via a Python script on Linux

I want to take a screenshot via a python script and unobtrusively save it. I'm only interested in the Linux solution, and should support any X based environment.
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22 answers

How to capture the screenshot of a specific element rather than entire page using Selenium Webdriver?

Currently I'm trying to capture a screenshot using the Selenium WebDriver. But I can only obtain the whole page screen shot. However, what I wanted is just to capture a part of the page or perhaps just on specific element based on ID or any specific…
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10 answers

iPhone in-app purchase screen shot

When posting an in-app purchase with Apple they ask for a screenshot to be included before going to review. What kind of screenshots do they want? My in-app purchase unlocks some of the lite version, I'm not sure what Apple wants to see here.
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18 answers

How do I take a full screen Screenshot in Swift?

I've found this code: func screenShotMethod() { //Create the UIImage UIGraphicsBeginImageContext(view.frame.size) view.layer.renderInContext(UIGraphicsGetCurrentContext()) let image = UIGraphicsGetImageFromCurrentImageContext() …
Pietro La Spada
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14 answers

How can I take a screenshot/image of a website using Python?

What I want to achieve is to get a website screenshot from any website in python. Env: Linux
Esteban Feldman
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10 answers

Convert web page to image

What are some utilities to obtain an image of a webpage? Basically equivalent to taking a "screenshot" of the page after opening it.
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5 answers

Capture the Screen into a Bitmap

I want to capture the screen in my code to get an image - like using the 'print screen' button on the keyboard . Does anyone have an idea how to do this? I have no starting point.
Omar Abid
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7 answers

Can you take a "screenshot" of the page using Canvas?

I have a page where we're positioning a bunch of elements using CSS, and changing their "top and left" positions using JS. I've had reports that these things have been misaligned, but a user has the motive to lie about this to "cheat", so I'm not…
Daniel Magliola
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10 answers

Command line program to create website screenshots (on Linux)

What is a good command line tool to create screenshots of websites on Linux? I need to automatically generate screenshots of websites without human interaction. The only tool that I found was khtml2png, but I wonder if there are others that aren't…
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1 answer

Swing: Obtain Image of JFrame

How do I obtain a java.awt.Image of a JFrame? I want to obtain a screen shot of a JFrame (for later use within my application). This is presently accomplished using the robot to take a screen shot specifying the coordinates and dimensions of the…
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6 answers

How to screen shot a UAC prompt?

I'm trying to document a work flow with a series of screen shots. At one point in the flow, a UAC prompt appears, and I'd like to grab a bitmap of it to make my storyboard complete. Because UAC prompts are on a virtual desktop (or something like…
Adrian McCarthy
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5 answers

How can I take a screenshot in a windows application?

How can I take a screenshot of the current screen using Win32?
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