Questions tagged [scom]

System Center Operations Manager (SCOM) is a cross-platform data center management system for operating systems and hypervisors.

System Center Operations Manager (SCOM) is a cross-platform data center management system for operating systems and hypervisors. It uses a single interface that shows state, health and performance information of computer systems. It also provides alerts generated according to some availability, performance, configuration or security situation being identified. It works with Microsoft Windows Server and Unix-based hosts.

(Information sourced from Wikipedia)

131 questions
1 answer

Weird non-existent properties in array

So I have this array called $monitors. I don't think it really matters what it contains, but it's a list of SCOM monitors, created with the following two lines: Start-OperationsManagerClientShell -ManagementServerName: "your-mgmt-server"…
Daniel Hjertholm
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1 answer

Get class of returned object by PowerShell command - determine a cmdlet's output data type

In PowerShell, if a command returns an array of one or more objects, I can find out the class of the object by the following method: $ab = SampleCommand $ab[0].getType() But, how can I find out the default return type of a command if the command…
Jay Joshi
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1 answer

What is the difference between Get-SCOMMonitoringObject and get-scomclassinstance in Microsoft SCOM?

I have executed both the commands in powershell Get-SCOMMonitoringObject Get-SCOMClassInstance But I'm getting same results for both the command output. Is there any significant difference between these two commands? Environment: SCOM 2012R2…
0 answers

Issues when attempting to invoke a SCOM Recovery Task via REST API

I’m trying to make a REST call from PowerShell to execute a SCOM Recovery Task as a test in SCOM 2019. I’ve read as much of the REST API documentation for SubmitTask and other forums that I could find on this particular subject and I feel like I’m…
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How to insert performance data to DW database using SCOM SDK?

We have created a Inbound Connector and custom Management Pack. We send data to our SCOM server using .NET SDK examples. We can see performance data and events on SCOM console. But when we create Performance report (Reporting > Microsoft Generic…
Alexander I.
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Value of timeadded and timeraised is not appropriate in scom

Partial output of the get-scomalert | get-member -membertype property in Powershell: Name MemberType Definition ---- ---------- ---------- TimeAdded Property …
Jay Joshi
  • 984
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2 answers

"The requested reader was not valid. The reader either does not exist or has expired" Error while fetching Performance data in SCOM

Snippet of the script that I am executing : $reader = $managementgroupobj.GetMonitoringPerformanceDataReader() while ($reader.Read()) // << Error in this line. { $perfData = $reader.GetMonitoringPerformanceData() $valueReader =…
Jay Joshi
  • 984
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1 answer

SCOM isn't recording Performance Counters for SQL

I am working on a installation of SCOM, monitoring some SQL Servers. However, I am having an issue collecting the performance counters. In particular, in SCOM it is showing that the Page Life Expectancy is 0 for all of my SQL Server, when in fact…
1 answer

how can i retrieve the name of iis server where azure websites are deployed

Can i connect remotely to azure IIS server where all the azure websites are deployed and monitor all those web applications using system center operations manager 2012 r2.Is it possible to get the name or ip address of the iis server under a azure…
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2 answers

Create SCOM alert with SDK

I'm writing a SCOM inbound connector and want to create alerts programmatically. I have worked out how to query and resolve alerts using the SDK, but actually creating them has so far eluded me. Surely there must be a way of doing this? Thanks in…
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0 answers

Create MSI Transform to add registry value

I am a SCOM Administrator trying to modify the MOMAgent.msi installation using Super Orca to create a transform file. My aim is to modify the value of MaximumQueueSizeKB property from the default value (15360) to 76800. Strangely enough the property…
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how to pass performance counters to SCOM Retrieve Performance Data Rest API?

I'm trying SCOM Retrieve Performance Data Rest API but I'm unable to pass performance counters as it's unclear in their official documentation. Example…
0 answers

Repeated Error in SQL Server 2017 Error Log (Error: 15404, error-code 0x5)

I'm relatively new to SQLServer2017 Developer and System Center Operations Manager however I was asked to set up a SCOM test environment for our network. However, I keep receiving this error about one of my SCOM service accounts. I have already…
1 answer

SCOM Powershell How to Access IPAddress, Network and DefaultIPGateway

I am querying SCOM in a Powershell script to need get the default gateway for a network adapter. Using the following command I am able to get the related monitoring object: $nic = Get-SCOMClass -name 'Microsoft.Windows.NetworkAdapter' |…
1 answer

"File not found": when trying to create a new Folder in a Library with blank at the first in the title

I am trying to create a new folder within a document library. Actually, the code works well, but when the title of the new folder starts with a blank, I get an exception "File not found" and the folder is not created. I already tried to encode the…
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