Questions tagged [scalaz-stream]

scalaz-stream is a streaming I/O library. The design goals are compositionality, expressiveness, resource safety, and speed. The design is meant to supersede or replace older iteratee or iteratee-style libraries.

The library supports a number of other interesting use cases:

  • Zipping and merging of streams: A streaming computations may read from multiple sources in a streaming fashion, zipping or merging their elements using a arbitrary Tee. In general, clients have a great deal of flexibility in what sort of topologies they can define--source, sinks, and effectful channels are all first-class concepts in the library.
  • Dynamic resource allocation: A streaming computation may allocate resources dynamically (for instance, reading a list of files to process from a stream built off a network socket), and the library will ensure these resources get released in the event of normal termination or when errors occur.
  • Nondeterministic and concurrent processing: A computation may read from multiple input streams simultaneously, using whichever result comes back first, and a pipeline of transformation can allow for nondeterminism and queueing at each stage.
  • Streaming parsing (UPCOMING): A separate layer handles constructing streaming parsers, for instance, for streaming JSON, XML, or binary parsing. See the roadmap for more information on this and other upcoming work.
83 questions
1 answer

How do I replace a program written as a sequenced stream of state transitions with scalaz-stream?

I'm trying to understand how to reorganize a program which I would previously have written as a sequence of state transitions: I have some business logic: type In = Long type Count = Int type Out = Count type S = Map[Int, Count] val inputToIn:…
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Using Scalaz Stream for parsing task (replacing Scalaz Iteratees)

Introduction I use Scalaz 7's iteratees in a number of projects, primarily for processing large-ish files. I'd like to start switching to Scalaz streams, which are designed to replace the iteratee package (which frankly is missing a lot of pieces…
Travis Brown
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2 answers

Scala streaming library differences (Reactive Streams/Iteratee/RxScala/Scalaz...)

I'm following the Functional Reactive Programming in Scala course on Coursera and we deal with RxScala Observables (based on RxJava). As far as I know, the Play Iteratee's library looks a bit like RxScala Observables, where Observables a bit like…
Sebastien Lorber
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1 answer

Scala fast text file read and upload to memory

In Scala, for reading a text file and uploading it into an array, a common approach is"file.txt").getLines.toArray Especially for very large files, is there a faster approach perhaps by reading blocks of bytes into memory…
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1 answer

Why do we need over iteratee?

Recently, I've been playing with scalaz.iteratee and Play's iteratee. I think that iteratee is a great idea to provide modularity instead of the old imperative while loop -- the aim is to use a function as a handler of each new line instead of…
Xiaohe Dong
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1 answer

How to read from TCP and write to stdout?

I'm failing to get a simple scalaz-stream example running, reading from TCP and writing to std out. val src = tcp.reads(1024) val addr = new InetSocketAddress(12345) val p = tcp.server(addr, concurrentRequests = 1) { src ++…
Joe Kearney
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3 answers

Splitting a scalaz-stream process into two child streams

Using scalaz-stream is it possible to split/fork and then rejoin a stream? As an example, let's say I have the following function val streamOfNumbers : Process[Task,Int] = Process.emitAll(1 to 10) val sumOfEvenNumbers =…
James Davies
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3 answers

http4s - get request body as String or InputStream

I'm trying to define HttpService that receives json and parses it to case class with json4s library: import org.http4s._ import org.http4s.dsl._ import org.json4s._ import org.json4s.native.JsonMethods._ case class Request(firstName: String,…
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1 answer

How to convert Iterator to scalaz stream?

Suppose I've got an Iterator[A]. I would like to convert it to Process[Nothing, A] of scalaz stream. import def foo[A](it: Iterator[A]): Process[Nothing, A] = ??? How would you implement foo ?
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1 answer

Merging scalaz-stream input processes seems to "wait" on stdin

I have a simple program: import scalaz._ import stream._ object Play extends App { val in1 = io.linesR("C:/tmp/as.txt") val in2 = io.linesR("C:/tmp/bs.txt") val p = (in1 merge in2) to io.stdOutLines } The file as.txt contains…
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1 answer

scalaz-stream: how to handle the "header" (first chunks) in a different way to the rest?

Context: I'm trying to write a Process1[ByteVector, spray.http.HttpResponsePart] with output ChunkedResponseStart(bytes), MessageChunk(bytes), MessageChunk(bytes), ..., ChunkedResponseEnd. I haven't yet fully wrapped my head around scalaz-stream…
Vasiliy Levykin
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1 answer

Logging and ignoring exception from Task in scalaz-streams

Let's take an example from some scalaz-stream docs, but with a theoretical twist. import import scalaz.concurrent.Task val converter: Task[Unit] = io.linesR("testdata/fahrenheit.txt") .filter(s => !s.trim.isEmpty &&…
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1 answer

How to improve performance of code with Sink?

I have weird observation about scalaz-streams sinks. They are working slow. Does anyone know why is that? And is there any way to improve the performance? here are relevant parts of my code: version without sink //p is parameter with type p:…
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2 answers

Halting a Process[Task, O] on user input

I am trying to write the following function def haltOnUserInput[O](process: Process[Task, O]): Process[Task, O] which halts process when the user sends a line on stdin. In this scenario, it is ok to wait for the current computation in the process…
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2 answers

Running scalaz-stream's Process gives could not find implicit value for parameter C: scalaz.Catchable[F2]?

Why am I getting the following error: could not find implicit value for parameter C: scalaz.Catchable[F2] when executing P(1,2,3).run? [scalaz-stream-sandbox]> console [info] Starting scala interpreter... [info] import import…
Jacek Laskowski
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