Questions tagged [scalability]

Scalability is the ability of a system, network, or process, to handle growing amount of work in a capable manner or its ability to be enlarged to accommodate that growth.

Scalability is the capability to increase resources to yield a linear (ideally) increase in service capacity. The key characteristic of a scalable application is that additional load only requires additional resources rather than extensive modification of the application itself.

Although raw performance makes a difference in determining the number of users that an application can support, scalability and performance are two separate entities. In fact, performance efforts can sometimes be opposed to scalability efforts.

A system whose performance improves after adding hardware, proportionally to the capacity added, is said to be a scalable system. An algorithm, design, networking protocol, program, or other system is said to scale, if it is suitably efficient and practical when applied to large situations (e.g. a large input data set or a large number of participating nodes in the case of a distributed system). If the design fails when the quantity increases, it does not scale.

Scalability is a general quality that holds when the system continues to satisfy its requirements when various usage parameters are increased.

E.g., a file server might be scalable to a high number of users, or to very large files or very high capacity disks.

Scalability goals:

  • Performance under load
    This is a specific type of scalability goal dealing with the performance of the system at times when it is servicing many requests from many users.
  • Large data volume
    This is a specific type of scalability goal dealing with the ability for the system to handle large data sets. Operations should continue to be correct and efficient as data set size increases. Furthermore, the user interface should still be usable as the data presented to users increases in length.
2237 questions
1 answer

Designing an MVC app with ORM and future migration to NoSql

Just starting a new mvc solution and one of the requirements is the ability to scale for potentially millions of users at later stage. I'm planning to use a generic repository that exposes IQuerable and use linq in the service/application…
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2 answers

Performance and scaleability for data access

I have looked at a lot of answers but have not found a satisfactory answer. Here is the problem. I need to create a web application. Technology will be based on Microsoft stack(ASP.NET 4, C#, SQL Server 2008). Infrastructure will be hosted on Amazon…
1 answer

Escaping from Affinity while Polling in the Azure Cloud

I am trying to build an application in Windows Azure that requires notifications - so I am using Http Polling, but I got a problem. I need to get to the very same instance of my web role so I can maintain the polling. I found a solution with web…
Ilian Iliev
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1 answer

Where and how to host our web app for high performance and availability

I have been working an application using PHP & MySql on Codeigniter framework. It is finished and I am testing it before getting online. I expect about a hundred users within the next few months. I expect increasing number of users for the…
Raouf Athar
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2 answers

Using Nodejs for writing a web application

I am considering developing a web site which has many characteristics of a social networking site. The website, I am considering will have a lot of apps, which will interact with the database, and also, scraping other websites for information and a…
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2 answers

should highscalability high-realtime (max tens of milliseconds allowed for response) business logic stateless or stateful?

I know it sounds very general question, but i'm really interested in having stateless services i want to know if it can or cannot be done with these limitations (stateless). for example google has many services. I'm more concerned about the services…
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0 answers

MS SQL Server 2008 R2 spatial: not consuming enough CPU

I have a stored procedure which contains a single select statement which uses proper indexes. I'm trying to call this SP for 1.5 million records. The SP looks like this: CREATE PROC [dbo].[DensityLookup] @point geography AS BEGIN SELECT TOP(1)…
4 answers

Any multi-core advantage here?

Let me frame it this way.. "Say I have an application server running on a single core Intel processor & serving 200 concurrent users. Will moving the hardware to a dual core system enable my application server to now serve say 350 concurrent users"…
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1 answer

Is Tornado web server suitable for an application calling often external web services?

I am working on a simple application (a backend for a frontend in Flex) which in most scenarios does the following: call external REST-ful web service fetch some stuff from the local database process and return both results Will my application…
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3 answers

Scalability of multi-site rails app

I am beginning work on a new Rails project that is based on the premise of allowing users to create their own "sites." Each "site" would be a subdomain of the root domain (we'll use So if user Foo wants to create his own site at…
Zach Smith
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1 answer

Scalable imtermediate data storage system with php daemon and nonblocking fopen

I am building a scalable data storage system. n number of servers can have 100's of simultaneous data insertion requests to a mysql database. I will be writing the data storage on each web server locally. I need to be able to write the local…
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4 answers

Querying across thousands of MySQL databases with same schema

I have a problem I've been scratching my head over for the past couple of months. I have tens of thousands of MySQL databases on the same server, all with the same schema. I want to be able to query across all of them and get a list of results.…
2 answers

Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling in production

I have realized that I have to make Image from EBS Volume everytime when I change my code and following autoscaling configuration everytime (this is really bad). I have heard that some people try to load their newest code from github or some similar…
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1 answer

Designing a system that supports overrides, file_exists() and includes?

I have a very module-based architecture in my infosystem that is installed to hundreds of clients. Updates are loaded to those clients automatically. But some of these clients have custom functionality that I do not want to add footprint to every…
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2 answers

codeigniter scalable folder structure

I've use symfony and now using codeigniter is there any folder structure that can be used in scalable applications similar to symfony. I want to make an application that will be divided in sub-apps and the sub-apps will have their own…
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