Questions tagged [pollingduplexhttpbinding]

58 questions
2 answers

WCF Silverlight client getting 404 not found response for poll message

Eventually WCF duplex Silverlight 4 client start getting 404 Not Found errors for poll messages, immediately after poll was send from WCF service to Silverlight client, sometimes this happens for second poll sometimes connectivity works hours or…
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PollingDuplexHttpBinding faulted after 5 or 6 calls

I have Implemented polling duplex in silverlight 4 application for getting large amounts of data using client call backs from server, so my service contains some functions with client call backs and some with out call backs. When only 3 or 4…
4 answers

How to detect diconnected Duplex Polling clients

I have followed Tomek Janczuk's Pub/sub sample using HTTP polling duplex WCF channel but I've noticed that when a client disconnects by closing the browser the service does not notice on the next callback. I would have expected an exception or…
Ralph Shillington
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deadlock when using WCF Duplex Polling with Silverlight

I have followed Tomek Janczuk's demonstration on silverlight tv to create a chat program that uses WCF Duplex Polling web service. The client subscribes to the server, and then the server initiates notifications to all connected clients to publish…
Kobi Hari
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Silverlight PollingDuplex InnerChannel faulted with multipleMessagesPerPoll (serverPollTimeout)

Im running silverlight client version 4.0.50917.0 and SDK version 4.0.50826.1 I've created a simple silverlight client against a wcf pollingduplex binding: Web.config:
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How to clear the outgoing message buffers at the Server?

I've written a service using PollingDuplexHttpBinding which has a Silverllight client that consumes it. My Service basically has a given number of clients sending their data (quite often, every second, and the data is quite large, each call is…
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How to handle client disconnect with PollingDuplexHttpBinding

I am implementing a WCF service, with a Silverlight 3 client, which uses a PollingDuplexHttpBinding for communications. What are the alternatives for handling when a client closes their browser without disconnecting from the server first? I know…
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WCF, Silverlight: Is Request/Reply possible over PollingDuplexHttpBinding?

We have been using PollingDuplexHttpBinding for some time to do Pub/Sub messaging. We have methods that do not return results that allow clients to subscribe to some data feed then then the service pushes data back via CallBack contracts. Just now…
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How can I manually create a Silverlight PollingDuplex client/proxy?

There's lots of material explaining why using svcutil.exe (or 'add service reference') is bad - lack of testability, tight coupling etc. Manually creating a client proxy for a simple service is straightforward, you just need to manually create your…
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Silverlight and Duplex WCF Service

I have added a WCF service reference to Silverlight application and here's what the binding from web.config that I have looks like
1 answer

WCF Service using PollingDuplex but also having a standard method with no callbacks

I'm not sure if I'm on the right lines but this is what I'm trying to do, I have a Silverlight application and a WCF service, the Silverlight app "subscribes" to the WCF service using PollingDuplex and the service can send data to any connected…
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WCF PollingDuplex With High Callback Calls cause Service Too Busy Exception for new Service Subscriptions

I currently trying to build a Duplex WCF Service using PollingDuplex Binding with SilverLight 4.0. My service calls every 1 second few callbacks methods foreach connected clients. However, after 2 client connected, new clients got "Service Located…
Yoann. B
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What do I need to fix in web.config to get this MSDN sample to work?

Using .NET 4 and Silverlight 4 in Visual Studio 2010, I am trying to follow the MSDN guide to build a duplex service for a Silverlight client ( Web.config gives warning: Warning 26 …
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serverPollTimeout configuration for HttpPollingDuplex

I am writing card game using Silverlight and HttpPollingDuplex. I have 4 seperate http duplex services, which can be called from my game (silverlight client) 1. ChatService 2. AuthService 3. LobbyService 4. GameService After I host the game under…
Arsen Mkrtchyan
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WCF (Silverlight) Duplex - Not hitting server

I have created a web application with a Silverlight project embedded in it, using VS 2008 SP 1, and the Silverlight 3 tools, on Vista and Windows 7. The duplex service code: [ServiceContract(Namespace = "cotoco", CallbackContract =…
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