Questions tagged [saucelabs]

Sauce Labs is a cloud service providing web browsers and mobile devices for both manual and automated testing.

Sauce Labs is a cloud service providing web browsers and mobile devices for both manual and automated testing. Automated testing on Sauce Labs is compatible with Selenium and JS testing frameworks.

445 questions
1 answer

Selenium testing on iPhone with SauceLabs in Javascript

How to do end-to-end testing for iPhones, using Selenium and SauceLabs, for a Javascript application? I am using wd.js as a Selenium client library. Be browser the result of require("wd").remote(..., "promiseChain"): browser.init({ browserName:…
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Dealing with timeouts in Sauce Labs

I have Web Driver code that works without issue when running on a local instance of a browser. My code interacts with the browser, but has a period where it kicks off some background tasks via terminal in order to set up data for the remainder of…
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Parsing dynamic values in Behat/Mink Yml file configurations through Mink Extension.php(Selenium2) for Saucelabs

I was wondering if there's a possible way to parse dynamic values, specifically the name by using the *.feature Behat/Mink tests as it's running the into the Yml configuration file with Selenium2 Capabilities The behat.yml file uses…
Ben Fong
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Disable flash in saucelabs/selenium webdriver?

I am trying to use saucelabs to automate taking screenshots of several sites to make sure that changing code doesn't break things. I'm programming using webdriver for python and need to disable flash on chrome, firefox and IE. I've tried to find the…
4 answers

Accessing virtual hosts from other computers – alternative

Sometimes you need to access your (Pow) virtual hosts from another computer on your local network — for example, when testing your application on a mobile device or from a Windows or Linux VM. So far I've been using pow and seems to be the…
Marius Butuc
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How to Report Results to Sauce Labs using Geb/Spock?

I want to use the Sauce Labs Java REST API to send Pass/Fail status back to the Sauce Labs dashboard. I am using Geb+Spock, and my Gradle build creates a test results directory where results are output in XML. My problem is that the results XML file…
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Automatically testing UIWebView content with Selenium

I have an iPhone application that contains a UIWebView for rendering certain UI aspects. The UIWebView content communicates with the Objective-C side through NSURLRequests. I'd like to test the UIWebView contents with Selenium so it could be…
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Sauce labs tests with meaningful names

I am using rspec and cucumber to run watir tests at sauce labs. I would like that test name (at sauce labs) is the same as the name of rspec describe block or cucumber feature. So, if I have rspec file: describe "something" do # teh codez end or…
Željko Filipin
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curl: (26) Failed to open/read local data from file/application

I'm trying to upload a ipa file to saucelabs storage but getting the error as mentioned above. The command that I'm using - $ curl -F 'payload=@/Users//Downloads/.ipa' -F name=.apk -u…
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How to set sauce-labs job result as pass or fail using karate?

I'm trying to run a simple test scenario on sauce-labs, but the issue is that sauce-labs doesn't identify the test-status as passed or failed on its own. I've gone through multiple solutions but couldn't make any of them work. I would love to know…
2 answers

webdriverIO test on sauceLabs is not working for firefox

I am trying to run a wdio-test on saucelabs for chrome, IE and firefox. test works fine for chrome and IE, however it fails for firefox with : Infrastructure Error -- The Sauce VMs failed to start the browser or device. I am using lastest version…
1 answer

TestCafe, HTTPS and Multi-browser testing

We are developing a web application which we are creating UI tests with Testcafe 1.5. All of the sites we are testing are HTTPS. Our tests are either run locally or on SauceLabs (for multi browser testing). We have been successfully testing for a…
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2 answers

nightwatch.js / Saucelabs - click() not working [ An error occurred while running .click() command on ]

I have been trying to run e2e test cases for a React app using Nightwatch.js + Saucelabs, but is facing the below error while .click() method executes. Error: An error occurred while running .click() command on :…
2 answers

TestCafe, CircleCI 2.0 & SauceLabs -- can't get this combination to work

So -- I can, from my laptop do the following: testcafe "saucelabs:Chrome@70.0:Windows 10" tests/settings/users.js This will, connect to SauceLabs, to launch the test (or multiple tests, works either way), to hit back against our development server. …
Roger Studner
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0 answers

Trying to get testcafe, saucelabs and circleci working together but having no luck

So I have the following in my package.json: test-sl-one: "testcafe \"saucelabs:Chrome@beta:Windows 10\" tests/settings/users.js -r xunit:/tmp/test-results/res.xml" I see the tunnel "active" on the saucelabs site. I wait about four minutes, and then…