Questions tagged [saucelabs]

Sauce Labs is a cloud service providing web browsers and mobile devices for both manual and automated testing.

Sauce Labs is a cloud service providing web browsers and mobile devices for both manual and automated testing. Automated testing on Sauce Labs is compatible with Selenium and JS testing frameworks.

445 questions
1 answer

markTestSkipped() not working with sausage-based Selenium tests via Sauce Labs

I am using the sausage framework to run parallelized phpunit-based Selenium web driver tests through Sauce Labs. Everything is working well until I want to mark a test as skipped via markTestSkipped(). I have tried this via two methods: setting…
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Automated Browser Testing with Capybara and Sauce Connect. GET "__identify__" routing error

I'm trying to get Capybara set up with Sauce Connect to do some automated testing of a gem that I've written. I'm using Combustion to spin up a server at localhost:9000 for testing within the browser. My spec_helper.rb looks likes this: require…
Max Gillett
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saucelabs java tutorial compilation errors

I'm experiencing various compile/run errors when I try the Sauce Labs Java tutorial. These errors are different when I run Maven in the command line and in Eclipse (Juno) The java tutorial for Sauce Labs shows the Maven command to generate a JUnit…
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2 answers

Strange version number in SauceLabs Java archetype

I'm trying to get the Java 'getting started' app to work and I noticed this in the POM: com.saucelabs sauce_testng [1.0.0,)
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Mono "Hello World" example working, but Java is not

I'm running the Getting Started Examples from the Sauce Labs homepage both with Java and C# Mono. The Mono example works like a charm, but the Java one reports that Could not start a new session. Possible causes are invalid address of the remote…
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.Click() does not work with selenium RemoteWebDriver

I have many automated Test Cases using WebDriver, and all of them are working perfectly on my local machine. Now I need to run these test cases remotely on Saucelabs, so I should use RemoteWebDriver. But I am getting an error that cannot find method…
1 answer

Selenium Grid /Sauce Labs Plugin / Ant setup

I am trying to use ANT to start a Selenium Grid instance. Using the response found here, How can I run Selenium 2 Grid from an Ant build? , I was able to start the Grid successfully using the following build.xml
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Heroku scheduler with EC2 SauceConnect SSH Tunnel

I have a bit of a unique situation with our testing setup. Basically what I would like to do is have Heroku run our integration tests with Sauce Connect at scheduled intervals. Sauce Connect requires an SSH tunnel to be opened up before running the…
2 answers

Salesforce Login Email Verification in SaucelabsVM

We'd like to setup some test automation around our SalesForce instance using SauceLabs. We'd like to keep it independent of the salesforce instance itself as we have a dedicated continuous integration server which drives all our automation across…
Ritesh Mehandiratta
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1 answer

Selenium with SauceLabs webdriver in python sets desired_capabilities to None

I'm attempting to convert my SauceLabs executed Selenium 1.0 test to Selenium 2.0. When I create the selenium.webdriver.remote.webdriver object: driver = RemoteWebDriver('', DesiredCapbilities.CHROME) I can check if it was…
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how to set silent mode for sauce lab pre run - C#

I want to use sauce labs pre-run capability to run some executable before my tests runs and i would like to set silent mode argument for the pre-run capability. Below is the code snipped what I have been trying so far. …
Appu Mistri
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1 answer

Element is not clickable at

I am facing Element is not clickable error while running my selenium scripts in sauce labs when I am using Chrome version 61. But, If I downgrade the chrome version from 61 to 59 then that error is gone. Any inputs to fix error with version 61 will…
1 answer

What setups I need to run a Java Selenium test in Sauce Labs?

I've Eclipse & JavaScript but when I run the script it fails to launch configs: org.openqa.selenium.SessionNotCreatedException: Unable to create new remote session. desired capabilities = Capabilities [{browserName=chrome, version=latest,…
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1 answer

how to change IE internet security settings using nightwatch.js

I just learned that the reason why my website forces you to re login whenever you navigate the site using a nightwatch test is because of an internet security setting in the saucelabs IE driver. Is there a way to change the IE driver security…
Brown A
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2 answers

Updating job status on SauceLabs via Jenkins Sauce on Demand

I'm running tests on Jenkins using Cucumber and SauceLabs using the plugin Sauce on Demand. The integration with Sauce on Demand is working fine, except I'm not able to set Pass/Fail status on SauceLabs. WebDriver Instantiation …
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