Questions tagged [sapi]

SAPI is Microsoft's Speech API which provides text-to-speech (TTS) and speech recognition (SR) functionality to applications.

418 questions
1 answer

Microsoft Speech Recognizer 6.1 Training Files

I am developing a Speech Application in C#. The speech recognition stuff is working fine with SAPI 5.1 on Windows XP. But I now have Microsoft Speech Recognizer v 6.1 on my machine that came with Office 2003. No matter how much training I do, I see…
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How to stop a streaming audio

How do I stop a audio stream once I play it using sapi. Do I have to skip the whole set of sentences ? Edit : How to stop it once I have paused the audio.
SpongeBob SquarePants
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2 answers

Error in programming

Imports SpeechLib Public Class Form1 Public vox = CreateObject("sapi.spvoice") Private Sub cmdSpeak_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles cmdSpeak.Click Dim t As String = "Hello , This is a Text" …
SpongeBob SquarePants
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Download Siri as SAPI voice?

Is it possible to get Siri's voice as a SAPI package to install? German would be the best choice! Thank you!
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SAPI rule enumeration

I've been using the Microsoft Speech API (SAPI, 5.3) to add speech recognition support to my application (Windows, obviously, C++, Win8 SDK) and aside from a few hoop-jumps relating to loading grammar files it's working quite well. However, I'm…
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Com4J MS Sapi Helper Functions

I've got problems with generating the Helper Functions of MS Sapi 5.4 with Com4j. I have to replace the combination of SAPI and Java/JNI with Com4j. For Example, I want to use the AssignFormat Method of CSpStreamFormat. A simple text to speech was…
S. J. P.
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Does system.speech api supports to c++ language to development?

I'm currently doing a research on a offline desktop tool that is able to recognize to user' voice commands. For now, I look at is the possibility of using Microsoft's System.Speech API which is for desktop sapi. In its official documentation, there…
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Is it possible to use Windows Speech Recognition built in commands without its shared interface?

I wanted to know whether it is possible to use Windows Speech Recognition built in Commands without the shared interface of WSR. I'm using SAPI in C# programming Language. Any help will be really appreciated.
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Change the SAPI Microsoft Speech Object Library Voice with Delphi code

I'm using the 'Microsoft Speech Object Library' and I would like to change the default voice through delphi code. My default voice is a woman speaking. How do I change it to someone else if someone else is available? I'm using SAPI 5.4 and Delphi…
Shaun Roselt
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Adding commands to windows speech recognition using SAPI 5.4 with C#

I want to know how can I add commands to windows 7 shared speech recognition using SAPI 5.4 in C#. There is already a Microsoft application named WSRMacros, but I should do it programmatically by myself. Any help and explanation would be extremely…
1 answer

Open Windows Mictrain by c#

My Code: private void btnMicTrain_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { ProcessStartInfo info = new ProcessStartInfo(); info.FileName = Environment.SystemDirectory+@"\Speech\SpeechUX\SpeechUXWiz.exe"; info.Arguments =…
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SAPI acquiring different language recognisers

On my Windows 7 computer, I currently have the "Microsoft Windows Speech Recogniser 8.0 for Windows (English - UK)" and the "Microsoft Windows Speech Recogniser 8.0 for Windows (English - US)". I am wanting to develop an application the recognises…
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What SAPI version is supported by SpeechSynthesizer?

I looked at SelectVoice() and GetInstalledVoices() as well as the SpeechSynthesizer class. I saw a similar question, where one answer says [...] likely to be related to the SAPI version [...] and the other one says [...] definitely not related to…
Thomas Weller
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