Questions tagged [sapi]

SAPI is Microsoft's Speech API which provides text-to-speech (TTS) and speech recognition (SR) functionality to applications.

418 questions
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Microsoft Speech API Error : .drectve `/DEFAULTLIB:"uuid.lib" /DEFAULTLIB:"uuid.lib" '

I have a problem with SAPI: While I am compiling some code, I encounter this error in CodeBlocks: ||Warning: .drectve `/DEFAULTLIB:"uuid.lib" /DEFAULTLIB:"uuid.lib" ' unrecognized| obj\Debug\main.o||In function `main':| C:\Documents and…
1 answer

how to recognize English sentences with SAPI5.4 on an Chinese Windows7

I am using an Chinese Windows 7 with speech recognition working fine if I use the grammar to recognize English sentences which is constructed with the object of Choice.But the object of SpeechRecognitionEngine only can arise SpeechDetectedEventArgs…
2 answers

How to access SAPI 4 voices from .net framework 3.5

I’m trying to use a SAPI 4 engine (L&H TTS 3000) from .net 3.5 using System.Speech.Synthesis in windows XP. The problem is than I can only get SAPI 5.1 engines when I call GetInstalledVoices. I’m using SAPI 4 because I need a Spanish TTS engine and…
Codigo Espagueti
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Convert from SAPI 5.4 to SAPI 5.1

So I'm writing a small tool to do Voice Recognition. I started just with SAPI 5.4 and used an SRGS xml file to set up my grammar. It worked very nicely. All my commands were recognized easily. However, I'm trying to get this thing to run on XP and…
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Loading multiple grammar files in SAPI 5.1

I'm using an XML grammar file to develop a Command and Control application. Since there are around 4000 entries in the grammar I can't have it all in one file (it gives an error when I try to load it). I have written multiple XML grammar files, but…
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Basic speech recognition does not work

I'm trying to recognize simple english words, but no recognition occur. private void Form1_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { SpeechRecognitionEngine srEngine = new SpeechRecognitionEngine(); // Create a simple grammar that…
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How to use SAPI Speech Recognition C# to control a game

I've been playing and have been getting frustrated by my keyboard bindings and want to bind using voice commands instead. I thought I'd create a c# console app to run in the background and use the inbuilt speech recognition engine of…
PazoozaTest Pazman
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3 answers

How to use WndProc from a C++ dll?

I want to handle some SAPI messages from a DLL, which is some sort of plugin. How to handle messages/events inside a VC++ dll. The SAPI event handling is shown in the example at:
Priyank Bolia
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Including TTS voices in TTS supporting software

Let's say that I want to add TTS support to my project, and that I hate the voice of Microsoft Sam, Microsoft Mike and Microsoft Mary. Would it be possible for me to include a new TTS voice that I bought into my software, so that the TTS support…
Gabi Barrientos
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Get text content from SAPI SpeakStarted event

This is a Microsoft speech api related questions: The idea it's that when SpeechSynthesizer triggers SpeakStarted event, I would like to know what the SpeechSynthesizer is going to say within this event. So I can synchronize the speech and GUI…
Steven Du
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0 answers

What's the difference between using System.speech.recognition and ISpRecognizer in SAPI?

I'm creating a simple speech recognition application and could implement recognition using the system.speech.recognition namespace. I came across ISpRecognizer in MSDN and would like to know how I can use it and other classes to improve my…
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2 answers

Combine free-form dictation and semantic in a srgs grammar

I'm trying to combine both the result of a semantic and a dictation request in the semantic value of a SRGS document. For example, I would say "Search potato" and the output would be something like out="Search Potato" where Potato is a random word…
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2 answers

Can I install a custom SAPI voice exclusively with my app that other TTS apps will not have access to?

I have developed a TTS (text to speech) app in C# using SAPI 5.x. I would like to license or develop my own speech profile (or voice file) that will exclusively be available to my application. That is, it will not be installed in the same way…
Alexander Perls
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1 answer

N best list of Alternates in SAPI Command and Control Mode

I am using Speech Recognition Engine(in-proc) in Command and Control mode for my application. At many times, I am getting incorrect result and no other alternates to the suggested result. I wanted to know if number of alternates being returned by…
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How to create,open and set up connection with new database in oracle using SAP?

Please let me know How to create,open and set up connection with new database in oracle using SAP? Application:SAP NW 6 and above Oracle: 10g OS: Linux / Window
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