Questions tagged [rtsp]

The Real Time Streaming Protocol (RTSP) is a network control protocol designed for use in entertainment and communications systems to control streaming media servers.

The Real Time Streaming Protocol (RTSP) is a network control protocol designed for use in entertainment and communications systems to control streaming media servers.

2183 questions
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Live streaming RTSP feed to a local network using python

I am aware of ImageZMQ Library and can stream using this from PC. The reason why I can't use this is because the other end isn't programmed using python. The other end is a smartphone(Android/iOS) and it will be programmed using combination of Java,…
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What are some ways to debug incorrect RTSP DESCRIBE responses from RTSP servers

I am writing some software that allows users to view previously recorded videos that are saved on an NVR. The videos can be played by calling on the RTSP server to play a specific file, and information is sent back through a web socket. However,…
Jonathan Ma
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Scaling Application for video decoding using ffmpeg

I am building an application to read multiple IP camera streams (rtsp) and run different Machine Learning Algorithms over it in real time. For each camera stream, I spawn an ffmpeg process which continuously break the rtsp streams into frames and…
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Handle RTP packets

I am trying to display the feed from my NVR on a local webpage. The NVR has a built in webpage that it does this from but it is lacking some features that i'd like to have. I have successfully used javascript to open the websocket that the nvr…
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Logging of DirectShow FilterGraph using RTSP stream

I'm using DirectShowLib (C#) to display a RTSP stream. It works most of the time, but some times the video goes black without any notification. Is there a way to enable verbose logging to determine what is going on? This is an excerpt of what I am…
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How to play camera live video using RTSP URI in objective c?

I can able to play local video, I'm unable to play live video streaming. What I need to do for this. My url is like this... rtsp:// My code is: NSURL *url = [[NSURL alloc] initFileURLWithPath:…
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RTP: dropping old packet received too late

I'm using JavaCV to process the RTSP video stream. What I've done is to grab each frame of RTSP stream and write it into a JPG file. Here is my code: package test; import org.bytedeco.javacv.FFmpegFrameGrabber; import…
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How to detect if a RTSP video stream is up or down

I'm using JavaCV to process the RTSP video stream. What I've done is to grab each frame of RTSP stream and write it into a JPG file. Here is my code: package test; import org.bytedeco.javacv.FFmpegFrameGrabber; import…
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How to stream RTSP url as HLS stream in browser

I have multiple IP cameras and for each camera, I have an RTSP source URL (for live feed) rtsp://admin:475@ I want to convert this RTSP stream to the HLS stream…
Rajan Sharma
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1 answer

GStreamer pipeline of 2 wav files onto single RTSP with 2 channels

I'm trying to build a pipeline which I'll give him 2 wav files and stream those 2 as a single RTP, which has 2 channels that each channel is composed of the relative wav file. I want to send the RTP using RTSP as well in order to do authentication…
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RTMP stream with VLC player

I want to stream RTMP url with vlc player.I tried with below code. but it doesn't work. The RTSP url efficiently work with this code. But RTMP doesn't. let options: [Any] = [ "--no-drop-late-frames", "--no-skip-frames", …
Abhi Makadia
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avcodec_send_packet causing memory leak

I'm trying to fetch a frame from an Rtsp stream, but it seems that I'm forgetting to free some element, causing my RAM to rapidly fill. Here are the code snippets: Here is the initialization before frame fetching bool CRtspStream::Init(void*…
0 answers

Rtsp and sip integration in IP intercom

How do sip and rtsp protocols works together in intercoms ( for example)? Does sip session just initiate another rtsp session or sip is only for audio but video stream will be transmited with rtsp Please turn me to the right direction
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Same command but different result, odd behavior between cmd and python subprocess

Hello and thanks everyone, I am having a very strange phenomenon and I hope you can help me solve it, I run a command through the cmd to save video coming from a camera to a local file in my computer,the command is : ffmpeg -rtsp_transport tcp -i…
Josh Katz
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RTSP Streaming without DELAY on Raspberry Pi

On Raspberry Pi, I am trying to grab video frames from an IP camera. On VLC(command is vlc rtsp://admin:admin@, I see a 1~2sec delay from my IP camera. So compiled OpenCV with GStreamer enabled(-D WITH_GSTREAMER=ON) and tried…
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