Questions tagged [rselenium]

The goal of RSelenium is to make it easy to connect to a Selenium Server/ Remote Selenium Server from within R. RSelenium provides R bindings for the Selenium Webdriver API. Selenium is a project focused on automating web browsers. RSelenium allows you to carry out unit testing and regression testing on your webapps and webpages across a range of browser/OS combinations.

The goal of RSelenium is to make it easy to connect to a Selenium Server/ Remote Selenium Server from within R. RSelenium provides R bindings for the Selenium Webdriver API.

Selenium is a project focused on automating web browsers. See

RSelenium allows you to carry out unit testing and regression testing on your webapps and webpages across a range of browser/OS combinations. This allows us to integrate from within R testing and manipulation of popular projects such as shiny, sauceLabs.

Selenium Server is a standalone java program which allows you to run HTML test suites in a range of different browsers, plus extra options like reporting.

See vignette for more details-

714 questions
1 answer

Selenium no longer works in R

Good evening, I write this question because I have a problem with my Rselenium. I use selenium with R every day, but since yesterday it has stopped working. My code is: > library(RSelenium) driver <- rsDriver(remoteServerAddr = "localhost",…
Earl Mascetti
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R: Creating a dataframe with scraped data from RSelenium

I'm scraping some information from Google Books (doing research on NHL teams), and I'm using RSelenium to get started: library(tidyverse) library(RSelenium) # using Docker library(rvest) library(httr) remDr <- remoteDriver(port = 4445L, browserName…
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2 answers

Scraping webpage with react JS in R

I'm trying to scrape page below : This page with react content. I can scrape first page with code: url="" read_html(url)%>% html_nodes("script")%>% .[[8]] %>% …
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Chrome automation extension has crashed while using RSelenium

I'm trying to use RSelenium package as follows: library(RSelenium) url <- "" driver <- RSelenium::rsDriver() But even if chrome opens I got this: Chrome automation extension has crashed. click this balloon to reload…
1 answer

How to zoom out page using RSelenium library in R?

I am trying to write a web-scraper using RSelenium Library in R. The last step of my work includes taking screenshot of a table on web page. To fit the whole table into the window I should zoom out the web browser (in that case it's firefox). I…
1 answer

I got error like Error in if (file.access(phantompath, 1) < 0) { : argument is of length zero when I use Phantomjs(port = 4567l)

my code is library(RSelenium) library(wdman) pDrv <- phantomjs(port = 4567L) below is what I got an error after runing above codes. checking phantomjs versions: BEGIN: PREDOWNLOAD BEGIN: DOWNLOAD BEGIN: POSTDOWNLOAD Error in if…
0 answers

Rselenium - Save page as

My goal is to download an image from a URL. In my case I can't use download.file because my picture is in a web page requiring login and it has some java scripts running in the background before the real image gets visible. This is why I need to do…
Gabriel Mota
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3 answers

How to send simultaneous keys in RSelenium ALT+S to web driver?

I would like to send two simultaneous keys such as ALT+S to the sendKeysToActiveElement( function of the R Selenium webdriver. I only see implementations in Java and C. Can this be done?
1 answer

rsDriver() in Rselenium doesn't work

I have updated my r to latest version and I installed Rselenium again. I try to use rsDriver but it has a problem with port 4567. Same like this Error trace back: rd <-rsDriver(verbose =TRUE, browser = 'phantomjs', version = "3.4.0") checking…
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RSelenium can't find element with given parameters

I'm using RSelenium to construct a data frame with information about managers. I have problem to select an element in a drop-down list. My code is the following: > require(RSelenium) > remDr<-remoteDriver(browserName = "chrome") > remDr$open() >…
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Rselenium issue

I'm trying to scrape a website using Rselenium. However I'm getting an error: Error: checkForServer is now defunct. Users in future can find the function in file.path(find.package("RSelenium"), "examples/serverUtils"). The recommended way to run a…
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1 answer

How to upload files with RSelenium?

I am trying to find out how to upload a file using R/RSelenium. Informations: OS: Win 8.1, RSelenium_1.7.1, with a docker image (linux, standalone-chrome 3.2.0). I tried the top comment from this SO question: How to upload file using Selenium…
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3 answers

Error while installing RSelenium in R

I am getting following error when I try to install the RSelenium package. install.packages("RSelenium") Installing package into ‘C:/Users/nshukla/Documents/R/win-library/3.2’ (as ‘lib’ is unspecified) Warning in install.packages : …
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RSelenium on docker: where are files downloaded?

I am using Selenium using a docker image: require(RSelenium) if (length(system("docker ps -l", intern = TRUE))<2) try({system("docker run -d -p 4445:4444 selenium/standalone-firefox:2.53.0")}) It works, I can connect to any url and navigate.…
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1 answer

Handle RSelenium error messages

Currently scraping a page which can have a variable amount of elements and also sometimes formats the same data elements with different selectors. Currently trying to ignore errors thrown by RSelenium with some tryCatch code but still stops when the…
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