Questions tagged [roxygen2]

roxygen2 is a Doxygen-like in-source documentation system for Rd, collation, and NAMESPACE. Its primary use is in documenting R functions in-line with the function definition.

roxygen2 is a -like documentation system for packages; allowing in-source specification of Rd files, collation and namespace directives.

The standard way to write R documentation is to create Rd files (R documentation) in the man directory of a package. Rd files are a special file format which closely resembles . They can be processed into a variety of formats, including LaTeX, and plain text. These files describe each object (function, data set, class, generic or method).

With roxygen2, the documentation is written in comments next to each function. Then an R script is used to create the main files.


#' The length of a string (in characters).
#' @inheritParams str_detect
#' @return numeric vector giving number of characters in each element of the
#' character vector. Missing string have missing length.
#' @keywords character
#' @seealso \code{\link{nchar}} which this function wraps
#' @export
#' @examples
#' str_length(letters)
#' str_length(c("i", "like", "programming", NA))
str_length <- function(string) {
  string <- check_string(string)

  nc <- nchar(string, allowNA = TRUE) <-

Advantages of roxygen2:

  • Code and documentation are adjacent

  • roxygen2 dynamically inspects the objects. For example, it can automatically add links to super and subclasses.

  • it takes care of other files that are fiddly or downright painful to maintain by hand: the namespace, collate order in description, and the demos index.

  • it abstracts over the differences in documenting and methods, generics and classes so that they behave basically the same.

The Rd2roxygen package provides a convenient way of converting Rd files to roxygen comments for existing Rd files.



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566 questions
3 answers

How to properly document S4 class slots using Roxygen2?

For documenting classes with roxygen(2), specifying a title and description/details appears to be the same as for functions, methods, data, etc. However, slots and inheritance are their own sort of animal. What is the best practice -- current or…
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How to not run an example using roxygen2?

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1 answer

Using roxygen2 and doxygen on the same package?

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Error in fetch(key) : lazy-load database

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4 answers

Linking to other packages in documentation in roxygen2 in R

I am wondering it there exists a method to link to function from other package when I'm trying to write a documentation for new package using roxygen2. Something like \link{pck=PACKAGE_NAME, fun=FUNCTION_NAME}?
Marcin Kosiński
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1 answer

Pre- or post-process roxygen snippets

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Warning about UTF-8 with roxygen2

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Rd file name conflict when extending a S4 method of some other package

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How to properly document S4 methods using roxygen2

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Paul McMurdie
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2 answers

Multiple functions in one .Rd file

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Is it possible to use R package data in testthat tests or run_examples()?

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