Questions tagged [rooted]

18 questions
2 answers

How to detect whether device is rooted (android) or jailbroken (iOS)?

I'm working on an app that shows the user some specs of his device. For example, RAM, disk size etc. Now I want to show whether the device is rooted or not in case of android device. And whether the device is jailbroken or not in case of devices…
Salman Younas
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0 answers

On Android 7 (rooted), libusb_init fails with LIBUSB_ERROR_OTHER

I am trying to use libusb in an Android app, it is embedded in an Android native module and built with cmake. The code only call libusb_init and returns a string to the activity and it systematically fails with LIBUSB_ERROR_OTHER. The thing is I can…
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1 answer

How can one create/ delete files in the /data/data dir using root in Android?

I'm working on a POC where I need to create and later on delete a file in the /data/data dir of a rooted device. I have tried to create a file in the standard way but it throws an PERMISSION_DENNIED exception as expected. I know this is possible…
android enthusiast
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rooted tree from undirected tree in R or igraph

I need a rooted tree from undirected graph as graph objects in R. The problem seems trivial, but I don't find anything. I find layout functions in igraph, but the result is not an igraph object, but a matrix (?!?). suppose the following tree as…
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1 answer

How to Disable "Re-start: Cold restart" Physical Button on Android Device

I've searched high and low and can't not locate the Key name of the "Restart: Cold restart" button on an Android Rugged A9 Phone to disable it. I'd like to disable this button as it's accidentally pressed frequently. The device is Android version…
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Rooted Android 10, ioctl Permission denied errors

When I try to run some commands on Android 10 (Galaxy A11) with root access, I get the ioctl "Permission denied" errors. For example: # ip tuntap add mode tun ioctl(TUNSETIFF): Permission denied # ifconfig wlan0 ifconfig: ioctl 8927: Permission…
Ivan F.
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0 answers

How can I change device ID to a specific one for an app?

In Android 10 the OS generates different device IDs for each applications. For example my device ID shows as XXX for YYY app, ZZZ for AAA app and vice versa. So my question is, is there any app or way to change that device ID to a specific one for…
0 answers

How to completely disable the Pull-Down Quick Settings Menu on Android Nougat?

I'm using a rooted device with Android 7.2.1. I need to disable the quick settings menu or the status bar, in a permanent way. The gesture mustn't work, if used. I've tried several methods, one of them is kill SystemUi process, but I don't like it…
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Not able copy apk to system-priv app folder using shell command in java android

I'm having difficulty copying a apk from the /data/app folder to the system/priv-app in my app. The device is rooted and i can copy to other folders just not the system folder. I have also tried copying my app to the system/priv-app folder and…
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1 answer

Install apk file silently on rooted android device programatically without asking from user

I need to download apk file from server to device and then install it silently without any user interaction. I'm using a rooted android device. Is it possible to do? Is there any way I could do that? I used following code to install the apk. But it…
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2 answers

SaveAs method is configured to require a rooted path -- help understanding existing code block

I have written a function to upload data from an excel spreadsheet to a form. Testing from my computer was successful. I migrated my code to the dev server and now I'm getting a rooted path message. My code works with existing code written…
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Auto tap/click on element of other app android

I'm a manual tester and now I want to automation testing. I wan to create an app to execute some actions like press button on target app test. It looks like app auto click but in my case, it finds location button by id/text, not fixed coordinate…
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1 answer

How to copy files from 'assets' to system in the rooted android device?

I want to do it.But i got /system/app/filename: open failed: EROFS (Read-only file system) error.
0 answers

Can a web application determine if a Chromecast has been rooted or jailbroken?

Is it possible to develop a web application for a Chromecast that can determine if the Chromecast has been rooted or jailbroken?
0 answers

How cheat app to hide root

my device is rooted. I created a way to check root. public class RootUtil { public boolean isDeviceRooted() { return checkRootMethod1() || checkRootMethod2() || checkRootMethod3(); } private boolean checkRootMethod1() { String buildTags =…
Iwek Iwek
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