Questions tagged [root-node]

In a tree data structure, the root node is a node with no parent, but which typically has children.

32 questions
4 answers

PHP5: Find Root Node in DOMDocument

I have a PHP5 DOMDocument and I try to find the root node (not the root element). Example: x x y y
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C# Xml serialization, collection and root element

My app serializes objects in streams. Here is a sample of what I need : In this case, the object is a collection of 'links' object. -----------First…
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What is level of root node in a tree?

Some articles say level of a root node is 0 whereas some say it's 1. From In a tree, each step from top to bottom is called as level of a tree. The level count starts with 0 and…
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WPF TreeView bound to ObservableCollection not updating root nodes

Sorry - my question is almost identical to this one but since it didn't receive a viable answer, I am hoping that someone else has some fresh ideas. I have a WPF TreeView that is bound to a hierarchy of a single type: public class Entity { …
Tim Coulter
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XPath/XQuery: Select a root node with its attributes without childs

I have an xml:
I would like to select ONLY a root node with its attributes without its child nodes: Is such thing possible with XPath?
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wxPython TreeCtrl without showing root while still showing arrows

I am making a python tree visualizer using wxPython. It would be used like so: show_tree([ 'A node with no children', ('A node with children', 'A child node', ('A child node with children', 'Another child')) ]) It worked fine but it shows a root…
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Copy XML file contents except for root node and attribute XSLT

I am working on a small XSLT file to copy the contents of an XML file and strip out the declaration and root node. The root node has an namespace attribute. I currently have it working except for now the namespace attribute is now being copied to…
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should a tree have exactly one root node

I want to display a tree structure. Do i really need to give the user/tree a predefined hardcoded root node like "RootUnit" where he can add his children or descendants? Does this make sense or cause only trouble when adding nodes?
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how to get value of a specified node in XML tree using R language

i have a xml file that includes rootNode and child node with attributes that handle values. i am using the R language to work on the xml file. what i need is to display the result of the employees that are in the department IT how to display the ID…
Ghgh Lhlh
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Neo4j cypher - Counting immediate children of root nodes

I'm struggling with a problem despite having read a lot of documentation... I'm trying to find my graph root node (or nodes, they may be several top nodes) and counting their immediate children (all relations are typed :BELONGS_TO) My graph looks…
Romain Bruckert
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Root immediate child nodes icons not visible when hiding root

I have a JTree structure as shown below. I have Icons that appear whenever a node has child nodes, which is working properly. My problem is that I need to hide the ROOT node. When I hide the ROOT node, the Icons for MainTop1 and MainTop2 nodes are…
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How to access (PortalSiteMapNode) RootNode outside the SiteMapProvider?

A very simple question for experienced sharepoint developers I think. Inside a PortalSiteMapProvider I can access the RootNode this way: (PortalSiteMapNode) RootNode My Question is, how can I access this node from other places, without a reference…
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Why can't we initiate the root node randomly in Decision Trees?

I just got into learning about Decision Trees. So the questions might be a bit silly. The idea of selecting the root node is a bit confusing. Why can't we randomly select the root node? The only difference it seems to make is that it would make the…
1 answer

how to change root node wcf request\response

I am calling a Java webservice which I am trying to call from WPF client using Gateway and message inspector. The problem I am facing is -- Java webservice requires the root node of request xml as element, however my WCF request (When i am…
2 answers

How to Deserialize a XML response when the root node is a string in C#

The Microsoft Cognitive Text Translator API gives a response in the following format: nl I was trying to deserialize it with the following code: var serializer = new…
Arnold Pistorius
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