Questions tagged [rollout]

56 questions
1 answer

Detect Chrome phased rollouts

How can phased rollouts be debugged in Chrome? Is there a screen which shows "you are in rollout group A" or B ? Same #Chrome Version 70.0.3538.102 (Official Build) (64-Bit) version, for me the cert does not work (first screenshot), for my…
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How to "rollout" a new app to the internal testers list, before automatically being "published" & visible on Google Play?

The help text on Google Play Console is confusing. While we can set up a release to rollout for an internal test, it says* that a rollout to any track automatically sets the status to Published, and makes it visible on Google Play. It must be…
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kubernetes rollout triggered on scaling

I have a simple kubernetes deployment with 3 replicas of an nginx container. The Kubernetes documentation here says: Note: A Deployment’s rollout is triggered if and only if the Deployment’s pod template (that is, .spec.template) is changed,…
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2 answers

Android Instant App is uploaded but can not be roll out

UPDATE: 20170703 Using Android Studio 3.0 Canary 5 Modified some AndroidManifest and build.gradle files, Moved from inside to inside for both Base's AndroidManifest and App's AndroidManifest, like below:
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3 answers

How to use SVN to rollout ASP.NET websites?

We use ASP.NET / C#. We work locally, test locally, check in our code and binaries through SVN. On our server, we checkout the latest 'build' from SVN directly into our IIS web directory. Is this a good practice, or is there something else we should…
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Rolling out entire site, or only changed pages/elements? (ASP.NET)

We use ASP.NET, C# When making an update to one of our websites, we roll out the entire site rather than updating just the pages or sections that have changed. This scares me. Is this a good idea? Should I roll out only the changes? Should I break…
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CQ5: links/paths in properties aren't updated on page rollout

When I create a live copy of a blueprint website, and rollout pages using standard rollout config, links in the pages are updated to reflect the live copy version. ex. /content/myblueprintwebsite/home.html -> /content/mylivecopywebsite/home.html But…
JS Bournival
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Android Roll Out Menu

I am having a hard time to find some example code, which would allow me to roll out a little menu where I would want to place 6 check boxes. Something which would allow to collapse using a single click. I want to use this type of action rather than…
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Is it possible to terminate faster a container in local, after a rollout in Kubernetes

When I am in local, with minikube, I checked that each time I rebuild my app, and roll it out with : kubectl rollout restart deployment/api-local -n influx The container lasts 30 sec to be terminated. I have no problem for production matters, but…
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Feature Flag Change Listener (e.g true, false) in Rollout Android SDK

For those who used Rollout SDK's feature flag. Is it possible to listen / observe the feature / flag / configuration change in Rollout SDK for iOS / Android by registering for certain flags? For example, I have a deal feature flag, whenever it's…
Farruh Habibullaev
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ios publish / rollout options for different versions / customizations of the same application to different customers?

Current issue: How do we efficiently deploy different versions of the same App to different customers? Example: App version 1.1 needs to be installed for customer A. App version 1.2 needs to be installed for customer B. App version 1.3 needs to be…
Alex PRY
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Does app rollout percentage in play store applies to new installs

I mean to say if I rollout to 20% users, does that mean only 20% of the first time installers will see the new version and 80% of first time installers will see the old one?
sourav mandal
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3 answers

Android Instant App Play Store Errors

Whenever I upload my base and feature APKs to Play Store I got these errors : You must provide a default URL for your Instant App APKs. Learn More Your site '' has not been linked through the Digital Assets Link protocol to your…
2 answers

AEM launching a Rollout through a java class

How do I launch a rollout process in AEM programmatically? Thanks.
Diego Nieto
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Onetime Data Migration on database

We are introducing new feature in our Web App and our database should react appropriately on new version rollout to Prod. As an example, set 0 value to table T1 for column C1 in case column C2 in Table T2 has true value. What is the best way to…
Michael Z
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