Questions tagged [roaming-profile]

31 questions
3 answers

Is there any way to determine if the iphone is roaming?

I am working on an iPhone application and would really like to determine if the device is roaming so that I can intelligently avoid costing my users expensive connections if out of their home network. The application I am writing is for jailbroken…
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How to save user.config to AppData\Roaming folder instead of AppData\Local?

Introductory Example This code Properties.Settings.Default.MyUserSettingBlah = "some new value"; Properties.Settings.Default.Save(); saves the user.config file…
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Where should I store machine-wide application settings for non-roaming users?

I have a WPF application that must run for all users of a machine with the same settings. The settings must be read/write. I have previously been storing user configuration settings in CommonApplicationData, for example var settingsFile =…
Martin Doms
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Windows: How to canonicalize a file to the special folder?

i want to to persist some filenames for the user (e.g. recent files). Let's use six example files: c:\Documents & Settings\Ian\My Documents\Budget.xls c:\Documents & Settings\Ian\My Documents\My Pictures\Daughter's Winning Goal.jpg c:\Documents &…
Ian Boyd
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How to work around LocalFileSettingsProvider requiring Full Control/OwnerRights

In my .NET client application I use the default settings provider with Scope=User and Roaming=True. This works fine in most environments, no matter if client or Terminal Server, except for a customer with a Citrix Terminal Server farm. Whenever…
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What is the difference: LoadUserProfile -vs- RegOpenCurrentUser

These two APIs are very similar but it is unclear what the differences are and when each should be used (Except that LoadUserProfile is specified for use with CreateProcessAsUser which I am not using. I am simply impersonating for hive…
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DirectoryNotFoundException when calling Directory.GetDirectories on Environment.SpecialFolder.Favorites due to Domain Folder Redirection

I have some C# code that tries to get the Favorites for the currently logged in user. The code is part of a Taskbar Toolbar that gets loaded into the Windows Explorer process. I have a user who is using Windows Vista with UAC enabled on a domain…
John Rennemeyer
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How can I create a INI-file in the {commonappdata} which can be written to by any uses when using Innosetup

If I want to create files in the {commonappdata} folder, I need to add the Permissions:users-modify parameter on a [Files] Source:... line. This works great ( I finally figured out how to make sure no roaming folder was used when changing one of the…
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How to Save to Roaming Profile using ConfigurationManager in C#

I'm trying to save a string to the AppSettingsSection of the current application's default configuration in the roaming profile using ConfigurationManager (ConfigurationUserLevel.PerUserRoaming). When I'm saving to the local profile…
Ola Ström
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1 answer

.NET Save Configuration Settings to PerUserRoaming Location

I have a VS2010 solution with a Settings.settings file. The user settings are saved to the Local Settings folder and this is a problem as these settings do not roam. Currently the settings file is saved automatically to: Dim config_initial As…
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Can I configure a roaming user profile on a Windows Xp Pro SP3 system?

For testing purposes I need to see how my code behaves when a Windows user account is set up as "roaming". Can I somehow configure my Windows XP SP3 Professional to do that (if not, what about Vista or Windows 7)?
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Powershell script tool to rename profile folders in networks share

I am new to Powershell scripting and needs some guidance on creating a script. We've have terminal server environment where we have to regularly reset user profile in order to resolve application related issues for them. Currently we rename the…
Aman Kr
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Programmatically create libraries folder under Roaming profile for new users, as first desktop login does

I'm creating some new windows users and assigning admin rights with net UserName Password /add net localgroup administrators UserName /add After this point, the user is created, but it's not really loaded. As for example, the C:\Users\UserName…
1 answer

How To Share User Preferences Between Devices With Xamarin

I've been making Windows apps (C# / XAML), for a while, and there is a built-in RoamingSettings space so the app can share preferences across multiple Windows devices (using the same Microsoft Account). Since Xamarin can work across multiple…
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Configuration.Save method throws Unauthorized access error when the config file is placed in redirected folder

I have implemented a winform application. I store the user settings for the application in the config file using the Configuration class.I store the exe along with the config file under the folder C:\Users\\AppData\Local This works fine in normal…
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