Questions tagged [rmiregistry]

RMI registry is kind of RMI naming service (a server application) where remote objects could be registered under some string name so they could be found and accessed by other clients connecting the same registry.

RMI registry is an independent executable, a part of Java runtime package. It must be started, binds to the given port (1099 by default) and listens to remote or maybe local network calls.

Java code that uses RMI must obtain the registry through LocateRegistry.getRegistry(host, port) or similar method. Normally, at least some RMI-capable applications access the registry remotely over the network.

73 questions
9 answers

running rmi server, classnotfound

Hi I'm trying to run a java application that binds a class to the naming server, but i constantly get a ClassNotFoundException First I start the registry: rmiregistry then from eclipse I try to execute the server but get this…
Maurizio Pozzobon
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4 answers

How do I set the classpath that rmiregistry uses?

I'm trying to make a Java RMI client/server app. I'm running into problems starting up the server side of my app, as it keeps running into a ClassNotFoundException during the call to the Registry.bind() method when I attempt to start up the server…
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4 answers

RMI server: rmiregistry or LocateRegistry.createRegistry

For RMI on server-side, do we need to start rmiregistry program, or just call LocateRegistry.createRegistry? If both are possible, what are the advantages and disadvantages?
Randy Sugianto 'Yuku'
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1 answer

Difference between classes java.rmi.registry.Registry and java.rmi.Naming

What is the difference between the Registry class and Naming class. In my application I am using Registry class. But I want to know about Naming class and its uses ?
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4 answers

How to close rmiregistry running on particular port?

I am working on Java RMI. I am having little issue with running my rmiregistry on port 2028 as I already used that one to run my test program. I can run my program using other port but I would like to know, How we can close rmiregistry running on…
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1 answer

Why RMI registry is ignoring the java.rmi.server.codebase property

I am running a Hello World example for java RMI 1) I run the registry in an empty folder motta@motta-laptop ~/tmp $ rmiregistry 2) I start the HTTP server to retrieve the classes at runtime. The download folder contains the remote interface for…
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2 answers

How to start RMI Registry through java code?

I have written java programs for Client and Server. But, to run the program I need to start rmi registry manually! How to start RMI registry through java code (through Server)?
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1 answer

Best practicies for JUnit and RMI Apps, RMI Registry

I'm looking to write a set of system integration tests for an RMI client application. I'd like to start the RMI server in JUnit 3.8.2 and then run those tests. Has anyone done this? I'm using something like this in a pojo with main: import…
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3 answers

Server via RMI without registry

I have a service object that can be connected to via RMI. Currently I'm doing this: Server Registry r = LocateRegistry.createRegistry(1234); r.bind("server", UnicastRemoteObject.exportObject(remoteServer, 0)); Client RemoteServer s =…
Bart van Heukelom
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2 answers

RMI connection refused

I am trying to get a rmi connection going. I have ran into many security issues but have been unable to find a way past all this. I execute my jar file with: java -jar "myjarfile" The code I have…
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1 answer

Java RMI registry can't find server object

So, the problem is I have some server code that will allow a Client to call functions on it using rmiregistry. It should be noted I'm running these commands on OS X terminal and I have two folders I'm working within: RMI - which will call the…
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1 answer

Java RMI return reference to remote object without binding

I have a server and a client communicating through RMI. Their goal is to share a simple object, work on it together, and then simulate a server disconnect. The sever has its name bound to the rmiregistry. The client uses the rmiregistry to get a…
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2 answers

rmi registry binding issue

I'm running RMI Regitry on a virtual machine (running Windows XP) with IP: and trying to bind an RMI server (running on different vm XP IP: by using this code: Naming.rebind("//", new…
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2 answers

Connecting to Websphere rmi server

I'm trying to do a remote call to remote object running as part of a application installed in Websphere. The end solution will be RPG to local java cilent to call remote service that calls the webservice. This mainly so we have one set of code to…
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8 answers

RMI Registry Issue: rmiregistry may cause unintended exceptions when binding with codebase using the "file:" URL scheme

Please see the passage "RMI Registry Issue" of this article for the background on Java Update 1.6.0_29 first. If I understand correctly (I'm german), the update introduces a bug in the rmiregistry which fails to work with the file: pattern in the…
Daniel Hiller
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