Questions tagged [restkit-0.20]

RestKit 0.2x is the latest major release of RestKit which includes several new features as well as significant changes since the previous 0.10.x. RestKit is a modern Objective-C framework for implementing RESTful web services clients on iOS and Mac OS X. It provides a powerful object mapping engine that seamlessly integrates with Core Data and a simple set of networking primitives for mapping HTTP requests and responses built on top of AFNetworking.

736 questions
49 answers

Error: "The sandbox is not in sync with the Podfile.lock..." after installing RestKit with cocoapods

I've encounter an strange issue after installing RestKit with cocoapods. after resolving RestKit dependency for my project with cocoapods and trying to build it, I face this error: The sandbox is not in sync with the Podfile.lock. Run 'pod…
Hashem Aboonajmi
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6 answers

Property 'managedObjectStore' not found on object of type 'RKObjectManager'

I've been attempting to work with version 0.20.3 of the Restkit library. Recently an error has occurred that I cannot figure out how to solve. It is the following: Property 'managedObjectStore' not found on object of type 'RKObjectManager *' It…
Cale Spratt
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1 answer

Transition from RestKit to pure AFNetworking 2.0

I'd been using RestKit for the last two years, but recently I've started thinking about transition from these monolith framework as it seems to be really overkill. Here's my pros for moving forward: There is big need in using NSURLSession for…
2 answers

RestKit 0.20 — CoreData: error: Failed to call designated initializer on NSManagedObject class

I ran into a new problem that I can't seem to find a way around... Here is my RestKit code, following the Twitter Core Data example: // // RESTKIT // // restkit object manager NSString *baseURL = @""; RKObjectManager…
Michael Rose
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1 answer

Restkit Post Not sending Object

I am creating an IOS app that uses restkit and I am able to do GET requests no problem and it maps correctly and everything however, I am having trouble getting restkit to do a POST to the database. It is getting a response that is saying: …
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6 answers

Core Data objects become null

I am creating a tasks application which should support offline mode. I have used RestKit to download tasks and mapped that in local Core data. This is working good in online mode. But in offline there is strange problem. I use NSPredicate to fetch…
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1 answer

Foreign key relationship mapping with RestKit

I'm totally new to RestKit and am struggling somewhat. JSON: { "teams": [ { "id": 1, "name": "Team A" }, { "id": 2, "name": "Team B" } ], "users": [ …
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3 answers

How not to map RestKit response?

I use RestKit to interact with a REST api. For some of the actions, like HTTP PUT/POST/DELETE, I only care about the response status code (200, or 500 etc), and don't care about the response data, even though the API does send back data. For…
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1 answer

RestKit 0.2, multiple ways to make a GET,POST,PUT request

I am getting slightly confused as to the way to use restkit, it seems like there is multiple ways to do the same thing, Before i was content just messing about with it till it worked, but now he has changed the framework and usage in 0.20.x, And I…
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3 answers

RestKit compile fails with cocoapods use_frameworks for swift

I am using RestKit along with some Swift only frameworks and when I use the cocoapods use_frameworks! flag, I get compile errors. It can't find CoreData.h in the bridging header and can't find RKValueTransformers.h If I remove the flag it all…
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1 answer

RestKit not deleting orphaned objects from local store

Hi i have updated RestKit from 0.10.2 to 0.20.3. After updating now when objects are missing from web service, RestKit not deleting them from local storage. I know it is supported in RestKit 0.20.x, but i am not being able to configure it. I…
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2 answers

RKResponseDescriptor in RESTKit is Deprecated

I'm trying to do some RESTKit http requests, and when I use the RKResponseDescriptor line of code, it says 'responseDescriptorWithMapping:pathPattern:keyPath:statusCodes:' is deprecated. Here is how I coded it: RKResponseDescriptor…
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3 answers

Handle a POST response with RestKit that is not mapped to the POST object

I have a situation where I am doing a post of an object (not a managed one, just an NSObject derived one), but the response from the REST API is not a JSON representation of the kind of object being posted. It is something else altogether. Is it…
Diego Barros
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1 answer

RestKit Relationship Mapping with Primary Key

I am having trouble mapping relationships when the JSON response only contains the primary key and not a fully nested array to create the new object. I have 2 classes - Shop and Item, and as you would expect the Shop->Item has a one-to-many…
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2 answers

Map url parameters to objects using RESTKit

is there a way to map the parameters in an URL to the results? I got a rest service where the user can search something by its ID. The path is search/:id The results contains the name and other properties but not the ID. I could do something like…
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