Questions tagged [resourcestring]

17 questions
1 answer

How to get the string table resource id of a Delphi resourcestring?

In Delphi you can declare strings to be stored in the String Table of the module's resource section. resourcestring rsExample = 'Example'; At compile-time, Delphi will assigns an ID for it and stores it in the String Table. Is there a way to…
1 answer

How to solve "Need imported data reference" while building with runtime packages

To help us modularize a monolithic application, we are in the process of setting up packages for use in debug builds, while still compiling to a single exe for release builds. One of our packages (EAUtils) contains a unit that is now producing [DCC…
Marjan Venema
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WPF use string resources in XAML within element tag

I am working on creating WPF application that is multi language ready. So, I put all of "translatable" string into string resources. I know how to use this resources from XAML, but I am having trouble to use it within the open and close tag. For…
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2 answers

How ResourceString Identifiers are generated by delphi compiler?

My question is like Delphi compiler generates and assign numerical Identifiers to all the ResourceStrings when application is compiled, There are few documents which says when ever application is recompiled the numerical Identifiers for…
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Delphi Resourcestring and Const expressions

I am trying to set a Tab char for a resource string as follows const Tab : string = Chr( 9 ); resourcestring xmlversion = Tab + ''; codetemplate = Chr( 9 ) + '
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4 answers

ExtendScript Parse resource string to create variable paths

I am looking to speed up my workflow by parsing a resource string to auto create my variable paths. Not only can it get confusing to look at large scale UI's, it's even worse getting the paths written out to access each element. ExtendScript ha s a…
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how to access string resource in viewmodel in wpf

I'm new in WPF, following MVVM pattern. trying to create dll, I have defined some resource strings in resourcedictionary, able to access it in xaml file but i need to access it in viewmodel. searched on net and found that there is one method…
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Resource stringtable is overwritten when including midaslib

When I include midaslib in my uses clause, the resource stringtable is overriden with '0: succesfull completion' and 15 empty strings. I include a precompiled .Res file. Original Test program : program tesresources; {$R BKHTEKSTEN.RES} uses …
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Does LoadString allocate memory for the string it writes to?

I am new in c++ and need some help. I created a resource-only dll that contains strings, i need to use this dll in a different project to read the stored strings. I wrote the following functions to read the read the strings: LPTSTR…
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Getting StackOverflow exception while reading stringlist in newly hooked LoadResString method

For reference - following is my code, where I am getting StackOverflow exception in NewLoadResString function. The case is like I have creted two stringlist i.e. RecStrNameIdMap and NewStringValueList. Here RecStrNameIdMap is hash string list to…
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2 answers

Delphi How can i find a resource name from resourcestring unit

The situation is: unit abc; interface resourcestring aabbcc = 'my text here'; implementation end. From my application I received error code 'aabbcc'. Is possible to access with error code the resource name aabbcc ?
1 answer

Get resourcestring identifier from implementation area

I have a unit which has a resourcestring in its implementation section. How can I get the resourcestring's identifier in another unit? unit Unit2; interface implementation resourcestring SampleStr = 'Sample'; end. If it is available in the…
Denis Sletkov
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Reference for invalid characters in Resource String Names? Is a ":" allowed?

I did a quick check on MSDN followed by a quick search here but I did not find anything definitively stating what characters are/are not allowed in .net resource string names. Currently I am trying to find out if a ":" is allowed, but I would prefer…
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Cordova Hybrid Mobile App - How do I access the value of a resource specified in strings.xml in my index.html page

I am a newbie to Hybrid mobile app development and am using Cordova. I have created a simple app with index.html and related .js and .css files. Now I have added a resource string 'pagetitle' in strings.xml and I need to retrieve the value and…
1 answer

How to properly use a variable in a resource string in extendscript

I have the following code to build a UI in ExtendScript: var dlgValues = new Object(); dlgValues.edittext = "string"; var dlg = "dialog {text: 'Teste', alignChildren: 'fill', \ panel: Panel {orientation: 'column', \ group: Group…