Questions tagged [reporting-services-2012]

SQL Server 2012 Reporting Services is a comprehensive, highly scalable solution that empowers real-time decision making.

SQL Server 2012 Reporting Services is a comprehensive, highly scalable solution that empowers real-time decision making.
SQL Server 2012 enables the creation of operational reports for pixel-perfect printing and browser-based viewing as well as ad-hoc data exploration and visualization.

76 questions
10 answers

SSRS 2008 R2 - SSRS 2012 - ReportViewer: Reports are blank in Safari and Chrome

I migrated our reporting services from version 2008 to another server version 2008 R2. In version 2008 the reports work fine on Safari. The new version 2008 R2 the reports do not show up at all. All I see is the parameter section and then the report…
1 answer

Custom Form Authentication in SSRS 2012

I'm new to SSRS and have been asked to add custom authentication for access to Report Server and Report Manager on SQL Server 2012 I have been following the instructions by Microsoft's security extension sample close to the teeth. The only…
1 answer

Cannot compare data of types System.Int32 and System.String in Chart

I am using Reporting Services 2012 and have a chart that uses a dataset that changes it's data based on parameters. This data is just a bunch of periods formatted as YYYYMM an int, a machine number int, and numbers decimal(12,2). We select based…
John Wesley Gordon
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Add empty page is SSRS 2012 at the end of group if page number is odd

My report consist of groups of employees. Each employee's section can have 3-5 pages. I want to add an empty page after a group if the page number is odd. The reason is when printing 2 pages on one sheet and a group has 3 pages then the first page…
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0 answers

Why do I have to enter credentials in Report Builder for shared data source?

I am using Report Server 2012 and Report Builder 3.0. I defined a Analysis Services Data Source on the server where I provide windows credentials to access the server. When I want to add a dataset in Report Builder based on this data source I have…
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2 answers

Reports created by C# code in SSRS 2012 return Client found response content type of '', but expected 'text/xml'

I migrated an installation of Reporting Services 2005 running on Windows Server 2003 Std. 32Bit to a new server running Windows Server 2008 Enterprise 32Bit (not 2008 R2) with SQL Server and Reporting Services 2012. Everything worked fine until we…
0 answers

Reporting Services prompts for Credentials

I have an Iframe through which I will call the reporting service each time I try to call this service it is asking for credentials Is there any…
1 answer

Change css clas in SQL Server Reporting Services

I want to format class in SQL SSRS, which name is sqlrv-WaitControlBackground. I want to center, and upper position: I managed to create in Sharepoint CSS and add class sqlrv-WaitControlBackground with properties: .sqlrv-WaitControlBackground{ …
0 answers

ReportViewer control in a webpart in SharePoint displays 401 for some reports

I am trying to solve an issue with the Report Viewer control displaying the message: The request failed with HTTP status 401: Unauthorized. rather than a report. This message is shown in the location where the report would be displayed. The Share…
R. Schreurs
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1 answer

Reporting Services Deployment times out and report manager URL just hangs

I have been running Reporting Services on the same server for a couple of years. Our IT team say no changes have been made to the server, but suddenly I cannot deploy reports (they timeout) and when I access via the url http:\server\reports or…
1 answer

SSRS Display 0 if count is Null

I have an report in SSRS that counts items used every month but some months are missing because no items were used that month. =count(Fields!Drug.Value) ie Jan=2, Mar=1, Apr=3, June=4 I would like the month grouping to appear and the count to…
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1 answer

SSRS (ReportBuilder 3.0) - How to remove whitespace taken by a hidden Tablix?

In the SSRS report, I've a tablix which has a single row and a single column (single cell). That row has a single rectangle that contains other rectangles containing other elements. The visiblity expression is set at the tablix level (both tablix…
1 answer

SQL Declare Variables and SSRS Parameters

I am asking this question on behalf of a co-worker, because I am unable to help her. She is using SQL Server 2012 and Visual Studio 2012. We are limited in what we can do here, so we cant create stored procedures (not even completely sure if that…
2 answers

Upgraded to TFS 2015 - issues due to Database Schema Changed

We have recently moved from TS 2010 to TFS 2015 Update 2 and using SQL Reporting Services to retrieve various reports for Test Results, Incident/Bug report. After upgrading to TFS 2015 mostly of the reports we used to run in TFS 2010 (through…
Asfand Iqbal
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0 answers

How to pass login credentials to SSRS using Web API?

Background I am currently working with an application that uses Web API. We he have implemented custom token based authentication. Our front end is primarily HTML5, CSS3, and Javascript. Although it is an MVC application we are only really using mvc…
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