Questions tagged [relational-model]

For questions regarding the use of the relational model for databases.

54 questions
1 answer

Backbone localStorage and relations

I'm having two RelationalModels, Student and School. School has many Students. All the data is to be stored in Backbone.localStorage I need advice how the following should be done: I suppose I need two collections, one for each model, Student and…
1 answer

Composite key with user-supplied string column, foreign keys

Let's say I have the following table TABLE subgroups ( group_id t_group_id NOT NULL REFERENCES groups(group_id), subgroup_name t_subgroup_name NOT NULL, more attributes ... ) subgroup_name is UNIQUE to a group(group_id). A…
2 answers

Solving ternary to create the database

I have this tables: movie, session (a movie displayed at a datetime) and User. Users can make reservations for a movie at a concrete session. Drawing it i have it like: movie **1** ----- **n** sesion | **n** …
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How to store a list in SQL Server database

I am pretty new with databases, I've been working on a school windows forms .NET project in C# and I came to a problem. I have a table in a SQL Server database with patients (animals) and I need to add a list (unknown length) of vaccines dosages…
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1 answer

Unique kind of questionnaire - Database design

For a research experiment I need to design a web application that implements a particular kind of questionnaire, the results of which will serve to derive some statistics and draw some conclusions. In short, the questionnaire has to work as…
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why there isn't any pointer in relational model?

It is a different from this question, because as I explain in my own post, my purpose is to find out why databases don't use pointers instead of keys and what are the other options to implement its functionality. As I read the implementation of…
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What are the likely FDs(Functional Dependencies) for this relation?

ABC(doc-firstname, doc-surname, doc-gender, doc-rego, doc-qualification, pat-ID, pat-givename, pat-surname, pat-gender, pat-DOB, pat-addr, pat-phone, app-ID, app-datetime, app-type) ● A doctor has a unique registration number (doc-rego) and is also…
1 answer

data modelling of land vs owner vs type of ownership.? Please comment

I have just stared to learn data modelling and would like your views about the way that I have designed my logical model and physical model. The problem. 1) A person can own multiple land parcels. 2) A land parcel can be owned by multiple…
1 answer

Comparison of Relational Model to a template for automated grading

I am currently working on a system that automatically grades submissions by students in a database course. One task for them is to create a relational model in the form of (:(PK), :, ...,…
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