
I have just stared to learn data modelling and would like your views about the way that I have designed my logical model and physical model.

The problem.
1) A person can own multiple land parcels.
2) A land parcel can be owned by multiple persons
3) Persons can have various types of ownership with land parcels

 ---------       Owner       ---------
|   Land  |<--------------->|  Person |
 ---------    Owned by       ---------
      |                          | 
      V                          V
  | Ownership Type (sole/joint )     |

Land Schema

Plot no:       |  Area sq.meters
A1             |  100
A2             |  200

Person Schema

Person Id   |  Name
1              |  Tom
2              |  Harry
3              |  Jones

Ownership Type Schema (sole/joint )

Type            | Description<br>
Sole            | Single owner<br>
Joint - 1       | Joint owner ( first name in the sale deed)
Joint - 2       | Joint owner ( 2nd name in the sale deed)
Joint - 3       | Joint owner ( 3rd name in the sale deed)

Person_Land_Ownership Schema

Peson Id      | Plot no:      |  Ownership Type
1             |  A1           | Sole       
2             |  A2           | Joint - 1 
3             |  A2           | Joint - 2 

Please provide opinion/critisim/suggestion on the above modelling approach.

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  • 1. Your diagram and tables are not consistent. 2. We can't really critique this unless we know the problem statement & assumptions including the method/tool/text you are to model to. – philipxy Sep 25 '14 at 22:53

1 Answers1


Use abstraction. An individual extends abstract legal party. So does an organization.

Individual : Party

Organization : Party

Asset belongs to Party

Party has many Assets

Neil McGuigan
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