Questions tagged [redis-sentinel]

System for managing redis instances.

Redis sentinel is a system designed to help managing Redis instances. It performs the following three tasks:

  • Monitoring - constantly check if your master and slave instances are working as expected.
  • Notification - can notify the system administrator, or another computer program, via an API, that something is wrong with one of the monitored Redis instances.
  • Automatic failover - If a master is not working as expected, Sentinel can start a failover process where a slave is promoted to master, the other additional slaves are reconfigured to use the new master, and the applications using the Redis server informed about the new address to use when connecting.
271 questions
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How can I support the Redis sentinel architecture using StackExchange.Redis?

My application uses the StackExchange.Redis package and I started using the sentinel architecture in order to support high availability and failures. I've search the web, trying to find the correct way I should use the ConnectionMultiplexer object…
Amir Popovich
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How can you disable protected mode in Redis 3.2.6 Sentinel?

I have attempted everything recommended by the following error message: (error) DENIED Redis is running in protected mode because protected mode is enabled, no bind address was specified, no authentication password is requested to clients. In this…
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What's the difference between open source Redis cluster and Redis labs enterprise cluster?

We are planning to use Redis as centralized and highly available cache so we looked at Redis Labs Enterprise Cluster and homegrown Cluster-like setup using Redis along with twemproxy and sentinel. While researching about RELC we stumbled upon this…
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Redis sentinel failover configuration in docker swarm

Description I'm trying to create a Redis cluster in a docker swarm. I'm using the bitnami-redis-docker image for creating my containers. Going through the bitnami documentation they always suggest to use 1 master node as opposed to reading the…
Soham Dasgupta
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2 answers

Redis sentinel docker image / Dockerfile

I'm looking to deploy high availability Redis on a coreOS cluster, and I need a Redis Sentinel docker image (i.e. Dockerfile) that works. I've gathered enough information/expertise to create one (I think)... but my limited knowledge/experience with…
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Redis Upgrade from 3.0.7 to 5

I have plenty of Sentinel and Cluster servers running 3.0.7 and need to upgrade to 5. I cannot afford downtime. Can someone please advice me how to do it? Some DBs are so big that the servers cannot allocate a new/second instance in case of the best…
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2 answers

Redis sentinel doesn't auto-discover other sentinels

I have redis configured as master with two slaves, each on a separate box. I also have a sentinel process running on each box. It's the setup as described in the documentation…
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1 answer

Can the WAIT command provide strong consistency in Redis?

Greetings overflowers, In Redis sentinel/cluster setup, can we use the WAIT command with the total number of slaves to ensure strong consistency across the Redis servers? Why not? Kind regards
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How to do a redis FLUSHALL without initiating a sentinel failover?

We have a redis configuration with two redis servers. We also have 3 sentinels to monitor the two instances and initiate a fail over when needed. We currently have a process where we periodically have to do a FLUSHALL on the redis server. This is a…
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Is there a way to achieve Autofailover and autodiscovery of redis nodes with JedisCluster?

I used Jedis Java client for Redis and it is fantastic. I used separately the features for clustering (JedisCluster) and for High-Availability (JedisSentinelPool). Both implementations work like a charm alone, however it doesn't seem to be a way to…
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4 answers

Redis sentinels in same servers as master/slave?

I've been doing some reading on how to use Redis Sentinel, and I know it's possible to have 2 or more sentinels, and load balance between them when calling from the client side. Is it good practice to have these 2 sentinels in the same server as my…
Henley Chiu
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1 answer

Supporting Slave of Slave Replication with Redis Sentinel?

We have two datacenters, each with two redis instances. Generally they are replicated as chain. NY1 (Master) --> NY2 (Slave) --> CO1 (Slave) --> CO2 (Slave) NY is New York and CO is Colorado, our backup datacenter. In order to save bandwidth over…
Kyle Brandt
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1 answer

Docker Swarm Redis and Sentinel with master - slave replication IP resolution client failure

I am running into an issue and I am not sure how to resolve this. My redis sentinel eco system is as follows: 3 sentinel cluster --> Managing 1 master and 2 slaves using docker-compose I have created a docker overlay network for the eco system and…
0 answers

Redis HA setup on AWS with sentinels - redis-nodes seen by different sentinels end up on endless loop

Our setup 3x redis sentinels one on each AWS Sydney AZ 2 to 500 redis nodes with a master and a multiple slaves that scales horizontally automatically using AWS Auto-scaling group policies 1x Write ELB that pushes traffic to the master 1x Read ELB…
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1 answer

Cant connect to Sentinel with redis-cli on UbuntuBash

I have installed Ubuntu Bash on Windows 10 PC. After that installed Redis using apt-get install command I could connect to redis using redis-cli command the info showed details #…
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