Questions tagged [red-gate-ants]

58 questions
9 answers

W3WP.EXE using 100% CPU - where to start?

An ASP.NET web app running on IIS6 periodically shoots the CPU up to 100%. It's the W3WP that's responsible for nearly all CPU usage during these episodes. The CPU stays pinned at 100% anywhere from a few minutes to over an hour. This is on a…
Herb Caudill
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4 answers

Is it possible to profile memory usage of unit tests?

I'm looking at building some unit tests to ascertain if resources are leaking (or not) using the unit testing framework that comes with Visual Studio. At present, I'm evaluating the latest version of ANTS Profiler, but I can't quite work out if it…
Rowland Shaw
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4 answers

ANTS Profiler: Change the default browser?

I cannot find this information anywhere. Within Visual Studio I'm using the ANTS Profiler add-on. It always launches IE. My default browser is Firefox. I cannot find a setting anywhere where I can change the default. Can someone help?
Mike Fielden
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2 answers

Unregistered event handlers cause memory leak

I'm maintaining a web application that has a memory leak. Based on my investigation using Red Gate ANTS memory profiler I'm pretty sure that the memory leak is caused by event handlers in the business layer. There's a collection that registers an…
Joseph Anderson
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0 answers

System.Security.VerificationException when running ANTS profiler in .net 4.0

I've been using RedGate's ANTS Performance Profiler for a while now. We recently updated our 3rd party dlls (Telerik) to their .net 4.0 version. When we did this, I no longer can profile our code because as soon as I hit a Telerik control I…
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4 answers

Silverlight Memory Leaks

We have a rather large silverlight 4 application. We are in the process of finding memory leaks in the application and this has turned into a daunting task. Things have changed completely with this one, for those of you that have seen the original…
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1 answer

.NET application memory usage - high unused .NET and unmanaged memory and fragmentation

I am using ANTS memory profiler to diagnose an increase in memory leak I am facing in one of my .NET 2.0 applications. I took 7 snapshots of the process over a period of 7.5 hours, and here is a tabular representation of the data obtained - G1…
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1 answer

ANTS Memory Profiler - Which memory should I be looking at?

I have a memory issue on my websites and am trying to get to the bottom of it. I have downloaded the 14 day trial of ANTS Memory Profiler and have been playing with it to get a grip of what it's telling me. In the memory options on the timeline, I…
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1 answer

High % of memory is consumed by unmanaged resources in .NET application

I have a website which executes simple MDX queries and produce output. This output is used to generate excel file. I used ANTS profiler and came to know that large amount of memory is consumed by unmanaged resources. Check the below image: (Full…
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1 answer

Why might unmanaged memory account for over 60% of memory used by console application?

I'm profiling memory use with ANTS Memory Profiler 7.0 and noticed that unmanaged memory use is ~193MB (~62%) for a console application that does little more than populate some DTOs from 10 million or so records. The help text for unmanaged memory…
Kofi Sarfo
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0 answers

Heap memory keeps increasing

When starting the application, the application consumes slowly more and more memory. I am trying to figure out why this is happening and haven't been very successful yet. Our WPF client gets the data pushed in from the server. The backend is in C++…
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0 answers

Error with ANT profiler Methods must be security critical or security safe-critical to call native code

This works fine on my machine, but we have 2 other machines that will not work with the ANTS Profiler from Redgate I have raised a question on their forums but this is holding us up so I am raising this here in the hope there may be a change we can…
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0 answers

I have a lot of unused memory allocated to .net

running ANTS memory profiler I see that I have a lot of unused memory allocated to .net. How do I determine what is causing this? I have put a screenshot of the summary report generated by ANTS here: ANTS Summary report Thanks Thomas
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0 answers

OWIN self-host : framework overhead?

I have a Self-Host OWIN http server basing on Microsoft.Owin.SelfHost v3.1.0 encountering performance issue. There are only a few hundreds requests but CPU went to 100% and the server cannot serve more requests. All my methods are asynchronous and…
Mr.Wang from Next Door
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1 answer

Finding memory leak in ASP.NET website with ANTS Memory Profiler?

I have a ASP.NET FRAMEWORK 4.0 website that has a memory leak. To find it I have installed ANTS Memory Profiler. This is what I do : Host website in IIS7 Start Ants Memory Profiler 8.1 Set the we are profiling a IIS website and state the URL to…
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