Questions tagged [recursive-datastructures]

A recursive datastructure is a datastructure (e.g. a struct or class) that contains one or several references to instances of the same datastructure as a member.

402 questions
15 answers

What do I use for a max-heap implementation in Python?

Python includes the heapq module for min-heaps, but I need a max heap. What should I use for a max-heap implementation in Python?
Douglas Mayle
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6 answers

Mastering Recursive Programming

I am having trouble in thinking/solving the problem in terms of recursion. I really appreciate the concept and I can understand them like creating base case, exit case & the recursive calls etc. I can solve simple problems like writing factorial or…
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4 answers

What does Python mean by printing "[...]" for an object reference?

I'm printing a value of a what I thought was a list, but the output that I get is: [...] What does this represent? How do I test for it? I've tried: myVar.__repr__() != '[...]' and myVar.__repr_() != Ellipsis but no dice... Here's a cutdown of…
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1 answer

What is the difference between Fix, Mu and Nu in Ed Kmett's recursion scheme package

In Ed Kmett's recursion-scheme package, there are three declarations: newtype Fix f = Fix (f (Fix f)) newtype Mu f = Mu (forall a. (f a -> a) -> a) data Nu f where Nu :: (a -> f a) -> a -> Nu f What is the difference between those three data…
7 answers

populate treeview from a list of path

I'm trying to populate a treeview from a list of folder path, for…
9 answers

Confusing [...] List in Python: What is it?

So I was writing up a simple binary tree in Python and came across [...] I don't believe this to be related to the Ellipsis object, more it seems to have something to do with an infinity loop (due to Python's shallow copy?). The source of this…
Demur Rumed
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2 answers

Why inductive datatypes forbid types like `data Bad a = C (Bad a -> a)` where the type recursion occurs in front of ->?

Agda manual on Inductive Data Types and Pattern Matching states: To ensure normalisation, inductive occurrences must appear in strictly positive positions. For instance, the following datatype is not allowed: data Bad : Set where bad : (Bad →…
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2 answers

Initializing circular data in C. Is this valid C code according to any standard?

I wanted to see if I could initialize a global variable to point to itself: #include struct foo { struct foo *a, *b; } x = { &x, &x }; int main() { printf("&x = %p, x.a = %p, x.b = %p\n", &x, x.a, x.b); return 0; } This code…
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1 answer

Understanding recursion without base case in Julia

This snippet is from the implementation of Rational Numbers in Julia: # Rational.jl # ... Rational{T<:Integer}(n::T, d::T) = Rational{T}(n,d) Rational(n::Integer, d::Integer) = Rational(promote(n,d)...) Rational(n::Integer) =…
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3 answers

scalacheck Arbitrary implicits and recursive generators

I'm seeing what seems to be a very obvious bug with scalacheck, such that if it's really there I can't see how people use it for recursive data structures. This program fails with a StackOverflowError before scalacheck takes over, while constructing…
Daniel Martin
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2 answers

Python hangs indefinitely trying to delete deeply recursive object

I wrote a ternary search tree in Python and I've noticed that when the tree gets very deep, attempting to delete it causes Python to hang indefinitely. Here is a stripped version of the code that produces this behaviour: import random import…
4 answers

How CSS and DOM is implemented in the browser?

This is a pretty academic question. I'm wondering how the browser is implemented as in what data structure or algorithm is used to map a CSS selector to a particular DOM element. Is it accomplished through a hash table? How does DOM child node…
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1 answer

Writing generic instances for Fix/Mu in F-algebras

After reading Milewski's F-algebra article, I tried to implement it and use for a real-world problem. However, I can't seem to figure out how to write instances for Fix, newtype Fix f = Fx { unFix :: f (Fix f) } cata :: Functor f => (f a -> a) ->…
1 answer

Tying the knot on mutually recursive ADTs with well-typed error handling

(Note: this post is a literate-haskell file. You can copy-paste it into a text buffer, save it as someFile.lhs, and then run it using ghc.) Problem description: I want ot create a graph with two different node types that reference each other. The…
Aleksandar Dimitrov
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2 answers

Gson deserialize complex object with recursive dependencies

I have several classes that contain a recursive dependency on each other and I serialize them to JSON format with Gson GraphAdapterBuilder, and it works perfectly. Now I want to deserialize them into the same structure but can't find out how. I've…
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