Questions tagged [recurring-billing]

When you give a merchant permission to charge your account at regular intervals for purchase of goods or services.

When you give a merchant permission to charge your account at regular intervals for purchase of goods or services.

432 questions
4 answers

Recurring billing with Rails and ActiveMerchant: Best practices, pitfalls, gotchas?

We are prepping for the release of a large web application that has been in development for the past year. We are about to start the process of integrating ActiveMerchant to handle recurring subscription fees for the service. I am looking for any…
Bo Jeanes
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2 answers

Send Paypal Recurring Payments commands with IPN Simulator

I am working with recurring payments (Express Checkout) and I have an IPN listener receiving messages. All is running fine and I have checked several commands, response and VERIFY. But I cannot test IPN with recurring payments because I have not…
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Braintree Drop-In UI does not show CVV field

I'm fairly new to Braintree API. I'm using Recurring Payments. And for that I'm using Drop-In UI that is provided by Braintree. Everything goes well but it only shows two fields: Card Number and Expiration Month/Year; and the Paypal button. It's not…
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5 answers

What do I do about recurring billing?

This might be a subjective question, but I'll give it a go. There are already a number of questions on SO that revolves around subscription billing management. I am currently working on a SaaS solution that will require a fully automated billing…
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How to set an IPN URL for PayPal Recurring Payments using ExpressCheckout?

According to the PayPal documentation, it is not possible to have Instant Payment Notifications (IPN) for Recurring Payments when using ExpressCheckout. Here is how I come up with that conclusion: In the SetExpressCheckout documenation for…
Haralan Dobrev
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8 answers

Variable amount recurring billing

Hi i'm looking for a payment gateway that can do recurring billing that changes month to month. Fogbugz do this, they charge based on how many active users there were that month. All of the APIs that i've found only let you set a fixed amount and…
Dave Newman
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8 answers

Paypal, Recurring Billing, and ActiveMerchant

I'm trying to research how to add a subscription based pay model on an existing site of mine, but am running into a lot of conflicting information and caused me to be a bit lost. All I need is a very simple way to set up recurring billing (per…
1 answer

How does Stripe's prorating work?

From Stripe's documentation under updating a user's subscription plan: By default, we prorate subscription changes. For example, if a customer signs up on May 1 for a $10 plan, she'll be billed $10 immediately. If she then switches to a $20 plan on…
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Database design for subscription billing

Looking for some guidance on the basic design of the database for a recurring billing system. The design I've come up with has one table to store the next cycle of the subscription (either on the same or new plan, same or different price, or not…
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5 answers

What production-ready SaaS (recurring billing) solutions are available for Rails?

I am working on a software-as-a-service (SaaS) application and I am looking for a billing plugin of some sort that will manage my subscriptions, customers, and recurring billing. There is the RailsKits SaaS kit ($249.00), but I prefer to use open…
Benjamin Manns
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4 answers

paypal verifying first payment or initamt was billed in recurring payment

I want my users to be able to subscribe to a recurring payment (using the express checkout api) The first payment needs to be billed immediately that the user subscribes, and I need to know that they have been successfully billed before granting…
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2 answers

How to force Stripe subscription charge

Does anybody know how I can force renewal (charge) subscription in Stripe? For example, we have 'past-due' subscription, and 3 tries to charge at this 'past-due' period. Customer adds new payment source (credit card), and wants to use it…
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2 answers

Null Response from Automatic Recurrent Billing(ARB)

I am getting null response from Authorize.Net when i try to create a recurring profile from my test server using credit card. this is what i get on var_dump($response) : object(AuthorizeNetARB_Response)#18 (2) { ["xml"]=> NULL …
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1 answer

PayPal REST Subscriptions API not showing price in order summary

I am testing the PayPal REST API for subscriptions in the sandbox environment, and have noticed that, when going to the approval URL returned after creating an agreement, no price is shown under the order summary pane on the left of the page. A…
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1 answer

Paypal recurring payment charge immediately?

Im using Paypal recurring payments and Im having some issues understanding when is my first charge occurring. Im using Sandbox currently so paypal does not really send me an overview of the payment that is really happening. I would like to create a…
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