Questions tagged [reboot]

Reboot is a Unix command to restart the operating system. It is also a generic term for restarting any operating system.

559 questions
3 answers

Detailed procedures of linux rebooting

I'm interested in how rebooting is implemented in Linux. When I press ctrl-alt-del or click "restart" in the menu bar, what happens next? Thanks!
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How i can change the uid and pid of my app?

I was tryng to reboot my device with my app, but it throws an exception with Error message "The app with xxxx uid and with xxxx pid you can't reboot the device". So, if I can search what is the pid or uid that can, may be like a pid of alarm or…
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Why does lag only stop after reboot?

When playing games on my phone for an hour the phone starts lagging quite a bit. Nothing I do takes away the lag except restarting the device. I have tried some memory cleaning apps on the playstore, I have tried cleaning all running apps, and I…
1 answer

cannot establish connection after reboot

folks, I faced an issue trying to reconnect to server after rebooting.. I saw other articles about similar issues but everything I try comes with the same error. Goal Automatically reconnect to a server after reboot Script ssh_client =…
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Powershell: Check computer to see if reboot is required otherwise skip

I am trying to user Test-Pendingreboot script to find out computers which need reboot, but I don't know how to take the results from Test-pendingreboot if $true the Force Reboot the computer. Any help will be appreciated Thank You
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3 answers

Run shell script on reboot

Tried two methods and neither seem to be working: crontab -e: @reboot sleep 60;/home/linuxbox/ and created a service in /etc/systemd/system/script.service: [Unit] Description=a generic service to run on…
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How to create an app to restart/reboot android phone using a button in android studio?

i want to restart my android phone by using a simple application which contain a button. By clicking the button my phone should be restart. I am using android studio latest version.
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Docker Apache Container looses static site data after reboot

I have a Docker container that serves some php-Pages with Symfony. It also has a connection to the database that works perfectly fine. The root directory is /var/www/html/public and the rough structure of /var/www/html is as follows (-files and…
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Make IIS Application stall/pause host machine reboot for x seconds

I have a HaProxy load balancer on front of some IIS webservers. Haproxy checks the iis apps on a specific path if they are up or in maintenance. I would like to make a solution, where I can safely reboot a random IIS machine and then have this to…
Stephan Møller
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NVIDIA DevBox with Ubuntu 16.04 and 4.4.0-137-generic kernel randomly reboots and automatically shuts down overnight

I've recently stated using an NVIDIA DevBox that has an ASUS bios, with ther kernel version and ubuntu version mentioned above. For some reasons the machine can't really be left on overnight, as it is usual with other laptop and/or computer…
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1 answer

Autostart script on vps reboot?

I have a vps linux ubuntu 16.04 with some server installed. I'm tired of manually restarting my server all the time. What can I do solve this problem? My servers run with a "screen" All time when i need to restart a server i need do this: (Open the…
1 answer

How to disable shutdown and reboot from an app with system priviliges?

I am developing a System App (i.e. an app signed with the device manufacturer's key) for non-rooted devices. I need to prevent the user from shutting-down or rebooting the device. If necessary and possible, disabling the power button completely…
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Stop threads and re-running them

I have this program in Java (for audio communication with another host) that starts with an instantiation of 2 objects (that are 2 extension of Thread class). In a certain time i need to reboot the program: How can i stop this threads and reboot…
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OS X / Synology NAS stuck share (home / home-1)

I am using Mac OS X 10.11.6 and VirtualBox 5.1.12, with a share ("home") on my Synology NAS. I have had this issue for a long time but have never got round to finding a proper solution. I use home folders from the NAS share, when looking at the…
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2 answers

Cloud-init module reboot process

I create a instance with CentOS-7-x86_64-GenericCloud.qcow2. And then, i listed the modules with the 'chkconfig' command. In this list cloud-init module and other modules are on. When cloud-init is on, i tried to reboot the instance. It takes almost…
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