Questions tagged [rebase]

Changing the starting point of a branch in a Version Control System.

An operation in a version control system or a special way of creating a shared library. (In order of the question counts in Stack Overflow)

Version Control Systems

In some source control system (also known as Version Control Systems o ) that support a rebase is one of the ways of integrating the changes of one branch into another by changing the "father" or starting point of a branch.


See .


Support it's still in an early status (March 2013)


There is a Rebase Extension for mercurial as noted in "How to do a rebase like git's rebase"


There is no rebase support but using merge --reintegrate might be considered as a similar operation as mentioned in "Subversion rebase?" and "Subversion Branch Reintegration v1.5"

Shared Libraries

Creating a shared library to avoid conflicts with other libraries in the usage of virtual memory. (Wikipedia)

1856 questions
1 answer

IntelliJ interactive rebase failing

Hello I can do rebase with current branch onto the selected but when I try to do interactive rebase from VCS/git/rebase this is what I am getting: 18:42 Rebase Failed cannot spawn sh: No such file or directory unable to…
2 answers

Undoing git rebase mistakes

I never had too much trouble with rebase, mainly because I tend to be more careful while committing regarding the amount of code and scope. But while working to merge some legacy projects changes with my peers, we had a major problem using a…
Thiago M
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1 answer

Is it possible to select the first commit made in the repository in an interactive rebase?

I'm still learning git so don't have a clear idea. I created a new repository and made 3 commits. I want to rebase all the commits starting from the first one. I do the command git rebase -i 4a5244b This is what's shown The first commit 4a5244b…
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Git Flow, checked out branch from master, rebase to develop

Im working with git flow and I have a master and develop branch. Sometimes people dont checkout from master but develop. When the PR is submitted in GitHub it points to master. Can I somehow change that the branch is based of of develop? I found git…
Code Spirit
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TortoiseGit : How to by default enable "Launch rebase after fetch" checkbox

I'm using TortoiseGit last version, I don't know how to enable "Launch Rebase After Fetch" checkbox by default, the rebase option can be invoked from the Fetch command. thank you!
Zakaria ouh
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2 answers

Best way to rebase atop a repo with many moved files?

I have two branches A and B. I started from the position where Branch B is about 200 commits ahead of Branch A. In the mean time, many files in Branch A have been moved, for example the Java files from src/org/** were moved to into to…
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1 answer

Isolate git changes from one branch to another by specific commit

I've been looking around for a while and different options trying to find an answer but am struggling with how I can accomplish this function. We have a high volume of changes and sometimes certain changes don't get approved in cycles while others…
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Error rebasing: non existing untracked files would be overwritten

I'm trying to squash a few commits into a single one. The changes made involve changing file contents, as well as only changing the filename case on some files or their directories. When running git status, nothing to commit, working tree…
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1 answer

After git rebase history is still not linear

This is our workflow for rebase: Pull develop Checkout feature-branch "git rebase develop" solve conflicts after rebase, (still on feature) "git push --force" go to gitlab and create merge request on feature branch to develop merge branches And…
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1 answer

Ignoring naughty files with git rebase

I have a GitHub repo where I keep mainly .tex files, with Makefiles that compile all of the files to create .pdfs. On this repo, the .gitignore file serves to ignore some compilation files related to this, most notably the .pdfs themselves. Now I…
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2 answers

git: Make a clean history after merging multiple times from a feature branch that is subsequently rebased

Suppose I am working on some feature in a branch B. My feature depends on another feature that my colleague works on in a branch A. I work closely with my colleague, so during development he will often update A with new stuff that I need in B. The…
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1 answer

How does git keep track of the commit hash marked with a fixup/squash flag?

I know that git commit --fixup can make a commit B that will be combined with commit A, when executing git rebase -i --autosquash. And when I run git log, my commit log looks something like commit Author:…
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0 answers

incorrect git rebase -i --onto on parent of

I have observed a strange behavior while using git rebase between projects i cloned and edited afterwards. I use git rebase to apply changes from template projects to cloned projects. Most of the time I have no Issues and if i run into a conflict I…
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2 answers

Rebase two branches onto another branch

Given the following git history: What would be the simplest way to rebase branches feature/1 and feature/2 onto master to achieve the following history: So far I have come up with the following: Checkout feature/2(head of the commit chain I want…
Kuba Szymanowski
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1 answer

Git rebase consistently deletes changes

For some reason, every single time I've tried to use rebase, it ends up discarding all of my feature branch commits. Here is an example of what the interactive rebase onto master shows: pick 05973319 First commit pick 62341efd Second commit pick…
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