Questions tagged [rebase]

Changing the starting point of a branch in a Version Control System.

An operation in a version control system or a special way of creating a shared library. (In order of the question counts in Stack Overflow)

Version Control Systems

In some source control system (also known as Version Control Systems o ) that support a rebase is one of the ways of integrating the changes of one branch into another by changing the "father" or starting point of a branch.


See .


Support it's still in an early status (March 2013)


There is a Rebase Extension for mercurial as noted in "How to do a rebase like git's rebase"


There is no rebase support but using merge --reintegrate might be considered as a similar operation as mentioned in "Subversion rebase?" and "Subversion Branch Reintegration v1.5"

Shared Libraries

Creating a shared library to avoid conflicts with other libraries in the usage of virtual memory. (Wikipedia)

1856 questions
1 answer

Prevent Git Interactive Rebase from opening Atom

I am currently trying to squash my last commit using interactive rebase. However, when I type git rebase -i HEAD^, Atom is opened. Since I want to do this from Vim, how do I prevent Atom from opening so that I can do rebase from the terminal window?
Todd Drinkwater
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1 answer

Is it possible to move a Git branch right to the last rebase?

I just rebased a Git branch called chattisekoilua onto the master branch of my project, did something stupid on chattisekoilua (as in deleted some files I shouldn't have) and would like to set the state of the chattisekoilua branch to the moment…
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Avoid Git to do any merge to a certain filetype

I am working on a quite big project versioned on a Git repositories that have several file of different types versioned. Among those, we use the QM Modelling tool that uses .qm files, which are actually xml files with a certain structure. The…
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0 answers

How to change order of commits when interactive rebasing in bash (OSX)

I need to perform an interactive rebase so I can change the order of some of my commits, but I am unsure how to do this with bash on OSX. Is this possible? I can change the action like pick to something else, but how can I physically move the commit…
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1 answer

How to rebase an entire commit graph?

We have a project repository left. Then we created a clone repository right from the topmost snapshot of the left (and worked there for some weeks). How can we merge the two graphs? (to let the team merge between the two) NOTE: The stiching point…
Geri Borbás
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1 answer

Code Migration from ClearCase to an Existing Git Repo

I have a project on ClearCase which I have migrated to Git. Some commits were created on the Git repo and at the same time, some code changes were done on ClearCase. My Git repo has v1.5 and ClearCase has v1.4 (production). We now want to migrate…
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0 answers

Git rebase not doing rebase

Sometimes when I type git rebase, it is not doing what it is supposed to do. Case 1. When I type git rebase origin master, it checks out master and does nothing. Case 2. I need to type git rebase master, twice then it will start to rebase.
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1 answer

git delete changes in a commit?

I had to rebase a commit where a single directory was supposed to be changed. Now when I see latest changes in gitlab, there are dozens of directories that appear as changed in the branch. I now need to somehow keep the changes in the directory…
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1 answer

Squash commits for an issue into a single one

What would be the easiest way to combine a bunch of commits for an issue into a single one if there is also commits done for another issue in between the first issue? I was trying to use rebase: git checkout ISSUE-006 git rebase -i HEAD~13 Which…
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5 answers

Rebase master to feature branch

Hello I created a new repo, cloned it, forgot to create a feature branch and started working in master branch. Now I realized and I would like to fix this. I havent committed anything yet. My goal now would be to 'transfer' current changes to…
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1 answer

I made a git mistake, how can I recover my commits to push?

I had two commits in my local copy that I wanted to merge before pushing so I did a git rebase -i origin/master and there were two lines describing my previous commits. Now, instead of changing the second pick to squash, I mistakenly wiped both…
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1 answer

Branched too early, what to do?

I was on a branch with one commit. I created a new branch, when I should have switched back to master first. How do I remove the first commit of the new branch, without affecting the branch it was originally created on? In effect, I want to move the…
Matt W
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0 answers

How to delete files from VCS history?

I have an old source code repository which I would like to share publicly. However, it includes some files which I do not want to share. I would like to create a new VCS branch with these files removed entirely from its history, but would like to…
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1 answer

Reset master branch to feature branch

We have a master branch and feature branch called feature/google-analytics. The feature branch was created from the master branch. There are so many hotfixes applied in the master branch. But now when I try to rebase with master branch, it shows…
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2 answers

Automatically Rebase and Squash Git History From a Commit ID to HEAD from Branch to Master

Is it possible to use git rebase to remove all of the history from a specific commit to the HEAD revision? With git -i rebase, you have to count all of the commits in the git log and manually get squash of all of them except one commit before…
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