Questions tagged [rebar3]

Erlang build tool that makes it easy to compile and test Erlang applications and releases.

Rebar3 is an Erlang tool that makes it easy to create, develop, and release Erlang libraries, applications, and systems in a repeatable manner.

Rebar3 is not Rebar - as the two are completely different.

Rebar3 is also a self-contained Erlang script. It is easy to distribute or embed directly in a project. Tasks or behaviours can be modified or expanded with a plugin system flexible enough that even other languages on the Erlang VM will use it as a build tool.

83 questions
2 answers

Why am I getting errors with git but not with hex deps in rebar3

I've come across this issue several times when using dependencies in my Erlang projects, such as {rabbit_common, "3.7.8"} vs {rabbit_common, ".*", {git, "", {tag, "v3.7.8"}} When using git I had to go…
Roman Rabinovich
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1 answer

Phoenix: Running mix ecto.create Error Compiling Ranch Dependency

I'm trying to go through the Up And Running tutorial on the Phoenix framework site. I have the following setup : macOS 10.14.5 Phoenix 1.4.6 Elixir 1.8.2 Erlang/OTP 22 I create the project with the mix command. I get prompted to fetch and…
Mark Szymczyk
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0 answers

How to specify another static c library as a dependency/source in rebar?

I'm trying to build an application that uses an erlang library. ( This library itself is a wrapper over a C++ static library (rocksdb, compiled as librocksdb.a). rocksdb is made a git submodule of erocksdb,…
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Does Rebar3 compile Dialyzer modules with HiPE?

When running Dialyzer stand-alone, it compiles its modules with HiPE, in order to speed up the analysis: dialyzer --src -r . Checking whether the PLT /home/foo/.dialyzer_plt is up-to-date... yes Compiling some key modules to native code... done…
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1 answer

Using profiling tools with rebar

I'm using rebar3 to build my application. I need to track down some performance problems and want to use fprof but it doesnt seem to be included in the release made by rebar. How can I get fprof (or eprof) included in the rebar release?
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How to get an Erlang app to run at starting rebar3

I can start the application manually from the rebar3 shell by doing application:start(lager) followed by application:start(myapp). I'd like this to happen without having to type it out, for example by executing a shell script that tells rebar3 to…
1 answer

Is it possible to run a private Hex (Erlang) dependency manager (and if so how)?

I'm working in an Erlang environment. I'm looking to establish a dependency manager so that our build server can publish binaries for reuse instead of using source code dependencies. The Hexpm GitHub project implies that it is possible to run it…
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2 answers

rebar3 generate edoc for multiple apps

If I have an OTP layout like this: foo/ - apps/ - bar1/ - src/ - bar2 - src/ How can I generate edoc for both bar1 and bar2? If I run: rebar3 edoc what I get is separate .html files in bar1/doc and bar2/doc, and none of the…
Andriy Drozdyuk
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1 answer

Can I run an escript app from rebar3?

After creating an escript app: $ rebar3 new escript hello Can I run with with rebar3, instead of calling escriptize first? I.e. something like this? $ rebar3 run
Andriy Drozdyuk
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0 answers

Where to put a global gen_server when dividing system into OTP apps?

TL;DR If OTP application A makes calls to a globally registered gen_server in application B, and I don't want to install all of app B on nodes that don't run it, how do I handle the gen_servers client code? Background (slightly simplified) I have a…
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1 answer

How to set proxy in Erlang escript?

When I am about to install rebar3 on Windows7, I've cloned the code from github, and then use git bash to install it. But when I type in the command, It shows that `escript: exception error: no match of right hand side value: {error,…
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2 answers

Load/Recompile Rebar Modules after downgrading Erlang/OTP

I wish to use an erlang client library to communicate with an mqtt broker for one of my projects. So I've started an application using rebar3's built-in templates and added emqttc as a dependency. Since erlang/otp 21 does not have support for…
1 answer

-include_lib doesn't find my library

I created a project like this: $> rebar3 new release foo $> cd foo $> rebar3 new app bar The structure looks like this: $> tree foo |-- _build | `-- default |-- _checkouts | |-- bar -> ../bar | `-- rebar.lock |-- apps | `-- foo | …
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0 answers

rebar erlang package mnesia replication dynamically

Problem Statement I have created an Erlang package using Rebar3. It is a tar ball which just need to be put in desired OS and get started once you start the node. So like wise there are two nodes, of same kind, in two different linux boxes. Those…
Madhusudan Joshi
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1 answer

how to include .hrl files across multiple modules rebar3

I have several modules's directories. For each module, I have include (containing *.hrl files) and src (containing *.erl files) folder separeated. How can I share *.hrl file from a module to another without duplicating them? With rebar, I added…
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