Questions tagged [reactive-cocoa-3]

The third version of RAC is focused around Swift with support for Objective-C API's. ReactiveCocoa (RAC) is a framework inspired by Functional Reactive Programming. It provides APIs for composing and transforming streams of values.

52 questions
1 answer

ReactiveCocoa vs RxSwift - pros and cons?

So now with swift, the ReactiveCocoa people have rewritten it in version 3.0 for swift Also, there's been another project spun up called RxSwift. I wonder if people could add information about what the differences in design/api/philosophy of the two…
Orion Edwards
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How to make basic bindings in ReactiveCocoa 3 and 4

I've been reading up on ReactiveCocoa v3 lately and I'm struggling with just setting up basic stuff. I've already read the changelog, the tests, the few SO questions and the articles by Colin Eberhardt on the subject. However, I'm still missing…
Steffen D. Sommer
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2 answers

How to implement a basic UITextField input + UIButton action scenario using ReactiveCocoa 3?

I'm a Swift and ReactiveCocoa noob at the same time. Using MVVM and Reactive Cocoa v3.0-beta.4 framework, I'd like to implement this setup, to learn the basics of the new RAC 3 framework. I have a text field and I want the text input to contain more…
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ReactiveCocoa combine SignalProducers into one

I'm using ReactiveCocoa and I have several SignalProducers let center = NSNotificationCenter.defaultCenter() let signalProducer1 = center.rac_notification(name: notificationName1, object: nil) let signalProducer2 = center.rac_notification(name:…
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Can/How Should I replace my KVO stuff with RC3?

I'm trying to port an objc app which uses Facebook's KVOController, to Swift. I've been encouraged to look at RC3 as an alternate and more Swiftish approach. I've read some blogs and I'm encouraged to give this a try. But much of the docs and blogs…
1 answer

How do I replace my KVO code with RAC3 and keep my existing models?

I am looking into ReactiveCocoa to improve our Swift code. As a starting point, I would like to bind the text of a label to the transformed value of a property. Basically, I would like to replace some KVO code. So, I have the following…
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How can I convert "SignalProducer" to "SignalProducer" of ReactiveCocoa 3?

I tried creating an instance of Action of ReactiveCocoa 3. let action: Action = Action { _ in if self.flag { return self.fooSignalProducer // SignalProducer } else…
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DynamicProperty vs MutableProperty vs AnyProperty vs ConstantsProperty

What's difference between them? Could you give me an example of in which scenario I should use dynamic/mutable/any/constants property?
0 answers

Swift expected type Array<_>

I'm trying to write a UITableView RAC3 Binding helper in swift 2. I'm trying to initialize my binding helper which has a signature init(tableView: UITableView, sourceSignal: SignalProducer<[T], NoError>, reuseIdentifier: String, selectionCommand:…
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How do I set up a ReactiveCocoa 3.0 podspec to be used as a 'private pod' with my test project?

I'm learning ReactiveCocoa by using a WORKBENCH project of mine. However, the latest CocoaPod's spec is for version 2.1.8 - and I want to use the ReactiveCocoa 3.0 to go thru the 'learning curve'. I thought of going the route of creating a 'Private…
2 answers

Create a moving average (and other FIR filters) using ReactiveCocoa

I'm still getting started with ReactiveCocoa and functional reactive programming concepts, so maybe this is a dumb question. ReactiveCocoa seem naturally designed to react to streams of live data, touch events or accelerometer sensor input etc. Is…
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ReactiveCocoa 4: How to send error to an observer without interrupting the signal

let (signal, sink) = Signal<[CLBeacon], BeaconManagerError>.pipe() When I call this because the user disabled the Bluetooth: sendError(self.sink, error) the Signal is interrupted and I don't receive more next nor interrupted events after enabling…
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Use ReactiveCocoa 3 and 4 with Core Data

I'm new to ReactiveCocoa and would like to use it as a replacement for KVO on some NSManagedObjects in a Swift 2 project. Most of the examples I found online use RACObserve(), which has been removed(?) in RAC 3. The Changelog states, that the new…
Tim Bodeit
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ReactiveCocoa - SignalProducer that emits the latest N values in array

I have a SignalProducer, ProducerA, that emits values in various intervals. I am trying to collect the latest N values that the SignalProducer emits and create a new producer, ProducerB, that emits an array containing the latest N values. ProducerB…
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How do I observe a signal and immediately receive a `next` event if it has already occured?

I'm trying to wrap an API call that initializes an object after a network request. I don't want the network request to happen for every new observer, so as I understand it, I shouldn't be using SignalProducer. However, by using a single Signal,…
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