Questions tagged [react-router-redux]

A library of bindings to keep react-router and redux in sync (formerly known as redux-simple-router).

A library of bindings to keep react-router and redux in sync (formerly known as redux-simple-router).

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502 questions
1 answer

react-router-redux: Routes change but components are not displayed

I'm attempting to set up routing using react-router-redux with Immutable.js reducers. I've set up the store using syncHistoryWithStore, and when I click on a Link, I can see that the correct @@router/LOCATION_CHANGE action is dispatched, that the…
2 answers

Why doesn't react-router-redux work when using a custom basename?

I am trying to create a React app that can be hosted at an arbitrary path other than the root - "/" So, I am trying to apply a custom basename using react-router-redux. I am creating a custom browserHistory using the createBrowserHistory module from…
Jeff Fohl
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React Router Behaviour on Page Reload

This is a bit weird and I would like to get to the bottom of it. I have a Product Details page where I check if URL matches with a specific param then, it will continue otherwise it should replace with that specific parameter and reload the page.…
Muhammad Ateeq Azam
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react-router isn't re-rendering redux connect()ed components on route change

I'm using react-router-redux for navigation and have nested connect()ed components. This seems to work fine, except that my nested components don't re-render when the react-router route changes. Specificallyl, in the structure below, App and…
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React/Redux - Making separate fetch call on individual routes

I have a redux store which I want to connect to my App, but I also want to only fetch data relevant to the specific component that is being rendering by react-router. At the moment it is connected to a container element (App.js) which then feeds…
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Nothing happening and no errors with dispatch functions

I'm managing my React application route with react-router and react-router-redux. I setting router with following configuration: import {Provider} from 'react-redux' import {Router, browserHistory} from 'react-router' import {createStore,…
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Init routes for react router based on ajax response

In my app I have privelege for Admin page and after login I want to grant access to this page only for users who have this privelege. Is any way to load routes for component with ajax before application is inited? Is any way to change routes for …
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Render 404 page when route is incorrect or param is missing in url. React/Redux

Below is my url : - red and 4 is param , if it is unavailable or url is improper i want to redirect to 404 page. for this i have added below route in routes.jsx 1 ] Routes.jsx import React from 'react' import {…
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React Unknown Prop Warning

I was trying to render a DOM element with a prop but my attempt is not recognized by React as a legal DOM attribute/property. So I started researching for a solution and I found this source from React Warning Documentation. However, although well…
0 answers

Several errors when integrating react router to React Redux application

I'm trying to utilize the React router package in my React + Redux application, and doing so gives me the following errors: Unexpected key "listings" found in previous state received by the reducer. Expected to find one of the known reducer keys…
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Selection of Linked Selections

I am using the React + Redux + Router stack and by this time I have got a simple React component where I am trying to develop a selection of linked selection with this behavior example. In fact my component can easily consume this variable: var…
Francisco Maria Calisto
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1 answer

Dynamic React-Router routes

I want to use different routing based on some partial state, so I came up with the following: in my entry file: import routes from './routes.js' ReactDOM.render(
Maxim Zubarev
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Access props.location object from redux-saga

My end goal is to access this.props.location.pathname inside redux-saga when making API calls. Here's my current working solution, albeit with react raising an error. I'm using mxstbr/react-boilerplate-brand as my codebase. In my wrapping component,…
1 answer

Access query parameters in async call (react redux)

My react redux (4.4.5) project uses react-router-redux(4.0.5) and redux-async-connect (0.1.13). Before I load my container component, I want to asynchronously load data from my API. The url contains a query parameter named "category" which is used…
Cornel Janssen
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how to access store in actions to dispatch push in react-router-redux?

In the documentation there's some information on how to issue navigation events via Redux actions ( ), but how to access store from the actions…
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