Questions tagged [react-router-redux]

A library of bindings to keep react-router and redux in sync (formerly known as redux-simple-router).

A library of bindings to keep react-router and redux in sync (formerly known as redux-simple-router).

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502 questions
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Why is there a syntax error 'Unexpected token' for Disqus Universal Code (ReactJS)?

I am simply trying out Disqus for the first time and trying to use the Universal Code but I am getting the following error: Following is the code: import React, { Component } from 'react' import { Divider } from 'material-ui' const styles = { …
Jo Ko
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Storing selected tab for restoration using React Redux and Router

Currently I have a sample which I'm working on which is a basic master details page. This sample uses react-router-redux. Within the details panel I have a number of tabs which use can see different facets of the selected item... all fairly standard…
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Catch API and 401 errors globally in React's router

I use react + react-router + redux. I would like to create a global thing for handling all the errors thrown in the app. Is it possible to catch also API call errors and 401 statuses? I thoung about something like this in…
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Corrupted store of react-redux

I am looking for any suggestion to debug this issue. Normally when my reactjs app starts, it initialises the state to the following The CollectionData class is basically a class that consists of many properties of type immutable-js map. export…
Anthony Kong
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Bind specific redux action to one Route using react-router / react-router-redux

I am currently developing an application in react using redux, react-router (with pushState History) and react-router-redux. What i am currently doing is that i am binding my routes to specific components, like i saw as best practice in every…
2 answers

React-router: getChildRoutes not firing in nested PlainRoute

For reference, I am using the React-Redux Starter Kit ( as a base project layout. Ive got a route named TSP, and I am using getComponent and redux connect() to inject a reducer on a container…
2 answers

Routes are not matched by react-router(-redux)

I'm stuck creating a single page app using react, redux, react-router and react-redux-router bindings. The route http://localhost:3001/register is simply not matched by the router and Cannot GET /register is returned to the browser because the…
2 answers

How to use js code to forward reactjs-router?

when u seem to require forward in reactjs we used to put a Link or button ,and then consumer click it ,then the page reload corresponding path of router . Now,I want the page turn to other path of router when I request a post and the status of…
page xu
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React+Redux - Expected the reducer to be a function

I'm trying to implement redux in my universal app, but I've some problems with redux. I've this configureStore function: import { createStore, applyMiddleware, compose } from 'redux'; import thunkMiddleware from 'redux-thunk'; import createLogger…
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1 answer

history on redux state is not availb but it is available on react component

My index.js looks like: const store = configureStore() render( , document.getElementById('root') ) and my Root.js looks like: class Root extends Component { render() { const { store } =…
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React Router - Build State from Query String

New to React, building a search app where the URL is built up based on search term entered and subsequent filters that are selected. I am updating the query string, not the path, based on search term and selections made. (e.g…
1 answer

React/Redux Where to save State

I am having trouble understanding some ReactJS and Redux principles, In Redux we have a store and a set of reduceres that give your final state ( this part I get). A Component receives props from their parent component, in case of Redux it passes…
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1 answer

Can't access context.router with react-router-redux

I m currently using react-router-redux on a project and everything is working fine except for the fact that i can't figure out how to access the react-router router. @connect((state, props) => { return { …
2 answers

react-router, access a route param in the config

i'm doing an i18n implementation. I have my routes like /:locale/rest/of/route and i want to pass the dictionary depending on which locale is loaded. This would be cool to do it on the routes configuration. But i can only think on doing this on…
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react-router / redux-simple router loading deep routes

I'm struggling with what ought to be a simple thing using react-router (with redux-simple-router, fwiw). I have some basic routes defined like so:
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