Questions tagged [react-rating]

A React component which supports custom symbols both with inline styles and glyphicons.

4 questions
1 answer

How to set state of the value when using react-rating component in my form?

I'm using React Rating ( and I'm not sure how to set state for the values for my 2 ratings. The other fields are fine. I'm able to get the values to show in console. I don't know how to set state in…
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1 answer

How to get the value using react-rating component in my form?

I'm using React Rating ( and I'm not sure how to use get the value for my ratings. All of my other fields are working. I put in a console.log to see that their values have changed. When I try to click on a…
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1 answer

How to integrate React Rating w Redux Form

I'm interested in using React Rating to allow my users to provide 1-5 star reviews. The Rating component renders fine like so: I would like this Rating ability to appear within react redux-form. How can I integrate Rating within my…
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0 answers

React-Star-Rating Component not Selectable

I'm trying to make an online food ordering service similar to UberEats using React. I want to allow users to submit reviews for the restaurants they ordered from. I decided to add a Modal that pops up and allows users to do just that using a Star…
Gerland L
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