Questions tagged [react-quill]

86 questions
0 answers

Persist Custom ID Attributes in Quilljs

We need to persist ID attributes for every div that we create on a new line. We tried saving quill delta in the localstorage and when tried to set using setContents() the IDs are changed. When we try to insert a new Delta or text it is creating new…
1 answer

How do I set Quill output to be JSON/delta instead of html?

What do I need to do to set Quill's content or output to be JSON/delta instead of HTML? I can't believe I'm asking such a simple question but I can't find the answer anywhere. There's nothing about how to set the format in either the QuillJS doc or…
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1 answer

code block not displaying when previewing in react-quill

In this code, I am trying to insert a code block using react-quilljs import React, { useState } from 'react'; import hljs from 'highlight.js'; import { useQuill } from 'react-quilljs'; import 'quill/dist/quill.snow.css'; // Add css for snow…
0 answers

Proper way to use react-quil to store images embedded in text

I am using react-quill 1.3.3. I also allow for the addition of images into the posts. The way that quill works right now, is that it just converts the image to a string and sends it all as text. The problem is that this seems to take a lot of…
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1 answer

How to deal with onChange in ReactQuill Editor?

I am using ReactQuill component in my react project . In my page i have multiple component like (TextBox/InputNumber Box/DropDown) so from each component i am calling a event
Subodh Joshi
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3 answers

Is there any way to remove specific formatting in Quill?

Given Quill 1.3.6 and custom formatter in it, is there any way to programmatically remove all custom formatting from the whole editor? In another word is there any way to remove for example bold formatting from every place it occurs in the…
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1 answer

install quilljs-markdown on react

I need such an editor on react , as you can see in it you can put markdown characters directly into the text. when I do this import React, { Component } from 'react' import './App.css' import…
Стас Рябцев
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1 answer

Contentful SDK, React functional components, typescript and react-quill - unable to access quill history?

I am trying to change the undo/redo behaviour of react-quill when implemented as a Field modification to Contentful's SDK. The implementation is described by the template at…
Rob R
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0 answers

Add table to Quill editor

How can we add table to React-Quill text editor using quill-better-table . Can someone provide existing codepen for same if availablere or changes need in react-Quill to allow us to add table .
1 answer

react-quill loses focus when onChange is called

I have a component wrapper in antd Form.create() HOC where I want to implement validation for my react-quill editor. {getFieldDecorator('input', { rules: [RequiredRule], initialValue:…
Aleksandr Fomin
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1 answer

Quill - Mention not inserting mention value in Quill JS editor content (Using React Quill)

I'm implementing Quill-Mention in Quill JS, using React Quill but I can't manage to update editor content when clicking an item from the list. I can properly render the list when clicking the right symbol and it shows data accordingly. But, when I…
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1 answer

How to render the content of React Quill without the html markup?

I managed to get my Quill working, but now I wanted to display the contents from the editor without the html markup. I tried using react-render-html npm package, it was working fine before but now it is no longer maintained and gives me a…
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2 answers

how to access props in react quill image handler

i am using react quill editor for my project and using my backend server to image upload but i need to access props inside the image handler of react quill and i am unable to do so as not able to access this object inside image handler. here is my…
punit das
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0 answers

How to get deleted Image url in react-quill editor

I am using react-quill and I wan't to know how to select an image after being inserted into the editor and how to get the delted image url after being delted. Here is my Editor Component import React,{useState} from 'react' import ReactQuill from…
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0 answers

Is it possible to add style to default

tag in Quill?

My objective is to create a button in toolbar that add style to the default

tag where the cursor is. For example: From




without nested format? Now, my workaround is using a new custom blots…
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