Questions tagged [react-native-windows]

This tag should be used for any queries related to react-native-windows. All generic react-native queries should be posted to react-native package

React Native Windows package

49 questions
1 answer

Compiling React Native for Windows (on Windows)

Has anyone successfully compiled and run a Windows (UWP) app on a Windows (10) machine using React Native? I've built an app, it's working in the Android emulator. I ran through the instructions from Microsoft here and here. I am using VS Code for…
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React Native UWP (vnext) - Importing react-navigation-stack causes error: "Cannot read property 'Direction' of undefined"

I'm currently working on a simple "hello-world" type project and it works fine on both Android and UWP up until i use import { createStackNavigator } from 'react-navigation-stack'; in App.js. The app still works in Android but in UWP the app screen…
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Need help for sending email with attachment for windows platform(UWP react-native-windows)

I am using react-native for developing my UWP windows application(windows-10), and get stuck with opening email application with attachment. React-native’s Linking is send mail with text body and without any attachment. So, is there any…
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react-native for windows UWP - how to load local raster image resource

I am using react-native for windows UWP. I don't understand how to load local raster image assets I want to package with the application. I am currently placing my image files in windows/foobar/Assets/ (where foobar is the name of the…
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How do I get the size of a local image in React Native?

I have an iOS and Windows React Native app and I want to get the size of images that are stored locally at RNFS.DocumentDirectoryPath. I only know the file names at runtime so I can't use require() to load the images. What I've tried so…
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How to work on react native for windows using VS Code?

I'm always working in VS Code and decided to try out React Native for Windows. I followed instructions here. But after I ran command npx react-native run-windows I got following error: error Unable to find vswhere I searched online and so far found…
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react-native run-windows gives error : Certificate could not be opened: TemporaryKey.pfx error

I am working on the react-native-windows project. I followed the instructions given here In the run command, react-native run-windows, I get an error error : Certificate could…
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open link in specific browser(like IE) instead of default browser from react-native app?

I'm creating app which need to be opens in Microsoft edge browser but when i click on link. it is directly opening link with default browser. Is there a way to force the program to open the link in Microsoft edge browser instead of the default…
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Why it truncates differently both of the panels have the same styles though?

A first panel word - Microphone (Realtek High Definition Audio) The second one is - BK550Y (Intel(R) Display Audio) Could this be a problem with react-native-windows implementation?
Alex Park
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Can I use OpenGL context in React Native for Windows?

I wonder if I can write my own native module, render something with using OpenGL in C++ and finally display rendered picture on react native side ( by simply using component). If so, can I use that to render an animation in for example 60fps? My…
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How do you stop a keyboard event from propagating to a parent component in React Native

I'm using the NativeEventEmitter in both the parent and child to handle the same specific keyboard event (when F6 is pressed) in the parent and the child components. They both have their own, different callbacks to handle when this when this key is…
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remove Fetching JavaScript bundle in react-native run-windows

I have a problem when building Release in Visual Studio through the react-native run-windows project .. I have done a Release bundle and there is also project.appx. But when I run the application, Fetching JavaScript bundle appears, even though it's…
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What is the difference between React-Native-Windows and Electron?

I'm using React Native to build Mobile Application but I get a request to build on both windows and suggested use react-native-windows. I'm very confused because react-native-windows too low questions on StackOverflow and I know Electron is very…
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EStyleSheet Media queries and window resize

I'm using React Native Extended StyleSheet to build a React Native app for WINDOWS. When I use Media queries I get the query of the moment the app is launch, however I need It to be dynamic. When I resize my app window I don't see my styles changing…
1 answer

Using a remote MacBook for building React Native apps with XCode

I have a Windows-machine and would like to use React Native for developing cross-platform UWP (so no Expo) and iOS apps. I also have a MacBook that I would like to use as a build host, like you can do with Xamarin. Can remote build and iOS…
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