Questions tagged [react-native-ui-kitten]

This tag is used for questions concerning the use of UI Kitten, a React Native framework for cross-platform mobile applications. The tag [react-native] should also be used in order to reach more people. For platform specific questions also include the appropriate platform tag such as [android].

The website for UI Kitten is which describes the framework as follows:

UI Kitten is a React Native implementation of Eva Design System. It contains a set of general purpose UI components styled in a similar way. You focus on business logic and the Kitten takes care of visual appearance. And the most awesome thing: the themes can be changed in the runtime, without any need of reloading the application.

For information about the Eva Design System see

93 questions
2 answers

Expo Web failed to compile "optional chaining"

Looks like Expo Webpack doesn't optional chaining. I found this when I tried to install UI Kitten to Expo Web app. This is the compile error after I added UI Kitten to the newly created Expo…
4 answers

How to use Checkbox and Radio Buttons with Formik, Yup, Ui Kitten in React Native

I am using Formik and yup for forms in my app. I am not able to implement checkbox with Formik, implemented this solution but its not working with me. Below is the code I have tried so far. After implementing this solution when i click on checkbox…
1 answer

Parameter within an arrow function within a prop is not accessible (React Native)

I'm trying to pass a parameter (item, which is a data item within a FlatList) to an arrow function within a prop. Popover is a react-native-ui-kitten element. My code is given below: function PostRenderItem({ item }){ const [deleting,…
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Using UIKitten Icon in Header options react navigation 5

I have a stack/drawer navigation in my application. I'd like to be able to have a menu icon in my top header navigation that toggles the Drawer menu open and closed. This is my code: import * as React from 'react'; import { useNavigation,…
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React-Native Tab Bar: Remove horizontal line (React Native UI Kitten + React Navigation)

Using the react-native-ui-kitten components BottomNavigation and BottomNavigationTab in my app running on iPhone (expo v2.21.2, react-native v0.57.1 ), there is a horizontal line on the top of the currently selected BottomNavigationTab which…
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0 answers

Isolation of styles between Appearances/Variant Groups (react-native-ui-kitten)

Question Correct me if I'm wrong (or misusing the mapping) but I had a question about how/why variant group styles are merged between appearances? I couldn't find much documentation on this specific behavior and have not dived into the source code…
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1 answer

React Native : UIkitten Icons typeerror: undefined is not an object (evaluating '')

I was trying to use the Eva Icons in UI Kitten but ended up getting this error, digging my head on this problem for a while, new to React and Reavt-Native, will be glad if someone could help me (: render() const FacebookIcon = (props) => (
1 answer

How can I use clear() method of Select component in UI-kitten?

In a react app I am using ui-kitten components, specifically a Select component: