Questions tagged [react-native-onesignal]

35 questions
4 answers

Android App crashes on OneSignal push notification

I developed a React Native app that crashes every time a push notification from OneSignal is received while the app is active. The error is java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: No static method zzc. If I receive the notification when the app is on…
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Queue navigation until screen is mounted and then navigate

I am trying to navigate to a certain screen on my bottom-tab-navigator when a user opens the app by clicking a notification. Looking into the official docs Navigating without the navigation prop, my setup of my main navigator is as follows: import…
0 answers

React Native: How to make interactive push notifications?

On iOS, you can reply to text messages right from the push notification without opening the app. I want to do something similar in React Native, to have the user interact with a custom UI in a push notification without opening the app. At the moment…
1 answer

React Native - How to show notifications of my website using WebView in React Native app (for Android)

I am using OneSignal to send notifications to my website, I want to show notifications using WebView in React Native. (For Android) I could not find any solution. What do I need to do for that?
0 answers

Redux saga: how to put a `yield put()` inside an event listener?

I'm using Redux saga and OneSignal in my React Native app. In my saga I have the following generator function: function* getOneSignalIDs() { try { OneSignal.init(appID) OneSignal.addEventListener('ids', (device) => { …
1 answer

Onesignal adding '[modified]' to header or body of my notifications for some users

I've had a few users reporting that their notification data contains [modified] at the end of the header of the body of their notifcations. I have no idea where this could come from as it only appears for some users and I'm unable to reproduce it on…
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React Native Onesignal: bundle is restarted when app is in foreground, ANDROID

I faced an unexpected bug today, react-native 59.8 only android issue I am using onesignal and everything is working fine (Except when my app is in foreground). I have initialised my onesignal in app.js OneSignal.init(ONE_SIGNAL_DRIVER); and my…
0 answers

React Native OneSignal: is it possible to make notification sound louder?

I'm using OneSignal with my React Native app. I've added a custom .wav notification sound file, and it works fine. I want to add a different file that's louder, but I find every device scales the volume to be the same. Is it possible to make the…
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React Native Video Call Notification

I am using react-native-agora for video calling app, i have successfully implemented the video calling function in react-native app. Now I want to show the user notification with Answer and Declined button, i have read out that react-native-callkeep…
0 answers

React-Native: Getting OneSignal Issue in iOS

When I run project on xcode 12.4 with react-native-onesignal library it's working. But When I move project to xcode 12.5 it's giving me this issue. ld: in…
Maxx P
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How to properly set OneSignal as a destination in Segment (, and also how to set external user ID of OneSignal through Segment

I am trying to implement Segment tag management system ( in my react native app. I have successfully implemented it with source as RN app, and destinations like Voucherify and Firebase Analytics. I had previously implemented OneSignal…
1 answer

Prevent "Would you like to open (URL)" dialog on iOS push notification deep linking

I use deep links in push notifications (using OneSignal + React Native) to open specific parts of my app. Recently my users started to get the following confirmation when they tap the push notification (which wasn't the case before): This is…
1 answer

React Native OneSignal: TypeError: this.OSLog is not a function

I'm using OneSignal on my app for push notifications. After follow their tutorial ( everything seems to be working on Android. However on IOS I'm getting this error: I copy the exact…
Mário Prada
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React Native: how do I add a file to "Xcode project root"?

I'm following this guide to add custom push notification sounds to my React Native project. It says to take my .wav file and Add files to the Xcode project root. Make sure Add to targets is selected when adding files so that they are automatically…
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How to add custom sounds to OneSignal for React Native

I'm following this guide to add custom sounds to my React Native app. In this section it lists how to add the sound file to your app depending on which SDK you're following, but it doesn't list the React Native SDK. What should I do here?
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