Questions tagged [react-native-navigation]

Use this tag for questions related to the React Native Navigation library that provides a complete native navigation solution for React Native apps.

React Native Navigation provides 100% native platform navigation on both iOS and Android for React Native apps.

For more info see github project

1466 questions
3 answers

React Navigation vs. React Native Navigation

I just want to know honest, experienced and objetive points of view about these two soutions to implement the navigation in React Native: React Navigation React Native Navigation Which is better and why. Thanks
14 answers

Getting this error: error: bundling failed: Error: Unable to resolve module `react-native-safe-area-context`

I am getting this error after running my App: error: bundling failed: Error: Unable to resolve module react-native-safe-area-context from node_modules/react-navigation-stack/lib/module/vendor/views/Stack/StackView.js: react-native-safe-area-context…
2 answers

React-native app is being restarted on every navigation when integrated with native app

We're trying to integrate a new React Native app to an existing native Android app. Following the RN official docs we managed to get it working but with some issues regarding the navigation. We've native and non-native (JS) screens, and we need a…
14 answers

Refresh previous screen on goBack()

I am new to React Native. How can we refresh/reload previous screen when returning to it by calling goBack()? Lets say we have 3 screens A, B, C: A -> B -> C When we run goBack() from screen C it goes back to screen B but with old state/data. How…
7 answers

How to trigger an event when a component is shown when using react-native-navigation?

I am using react-native with react-native-navigation. I would like to reload data when a component is shown. The component is shown when a user clicks on a tab navigation button. Should I use react life cycle events or is there something in…
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React Native: Which navigator should I use?

I have to build a relatively big cross-platform (iOS & Android) application within 3 months. So far when it comes to React Native I only have experience with NavigatorIOS. Now while I never really ran into any problems with it I never see people…
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4 answers

Error: Unable to resolve module ` react-native-screens` from `node_modules/react-navigation-tabs/src/navigators/createBottomTabNavigator.js`

Current Behavior After executing app is not installing reporting bundling failed: Error: Unable to resolve module ` react-native-screens` from `node_modules/react-navigation-tabs/src/navigators/createBottomTabNavigator.js`: react-native-screens…
Fazle Rabbi Ador
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1 answer

Disadvantage of using JS based navigation solution like React Navigation instead of using Native Navigation like Wix's React Native Navigation?

The only reason I can think of using Native Navigation is when I have more screens & JS based solution like React Navigation will keep all the screens in memory. Now I am not a native developer so the above thing might be vague.
7 answers

Requiring unknown module "11" error on iOS simulator

When I run the react native project with react-native run-ios.It shows the following error on my iOS simulator.On my android simulator, it is totally ok.I have deleted node module and reinstalled.But the error is still there.I don't want to entirely…
1 answer

How to add sidebar drawer with react native navigation v2?

With react-native-navigation v1 you can set up a drawer like this: drawer: { left: { screen: 'ScreenName' } } In docs of react-native-navigation they mention that drawer is still supported, but there in no example of its usage. I…
1 answer

Custom component topbar button event RNN v2

I have a custom component 'MenuButton' in my RNNv2 topbar. I want openMenu() to run when this button is clicked, but this doesn't happen. My typescript linting tells me Property openMenu does not exist on typeof Home. Why is this? class Home…
0 answers

How to cold start a React Native app over device lock screen?

I'm building a VoIP app on React Native, which detects incoming calls using push notifications. I need to start the app and bring it to the foreground on receiving a push notification. I'm able to achieve that for the following scenarios: When…
4 answers

React Native Navigation and Redux Persist

I am trying to integrate redux-persist with wix react-native-navigation. However, I am unable to find any examples or documentation stating the boilerplate code needed to integrate the both libraries. I was wondering if anyone would like to share…
Kamil Kamili
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How to use navigation.navigate from a component outside the stack.navigation

I have an application using React native where I am using react-navigation (5.2.9). I built a Stack.Navigator where I've got my screens but I want the Footer component to be outside so it renders in all screens. The problem is, I can't navigate…
Carlos Saiz Orteu
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1 answer

How to send data to the parent page using React Native Navigation (v5)?

I'm using (version 5.0.1) in my project with GraphQL Apollo client. I have a page with a form where the user needs to select some options from a list. In the first page, I have a button with this…
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