Questions tagged [rds]

This tag might refer to Microsoft Remote Desktop Services, Microsoft Robotics Developer Studio, or Microsoft Remote Data Service. For Amazon RDS, please use the [tag:amazon-rds] tag instead.

This tag might refer to Microsoft Remote Desktop Services, Microsoft Robotics Developer Studio, or Microsoft Remote Data Service. For Amazon RDS, please use the tag instead.

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821 questions
2 answers

AWS Lambda returns empty response on RDS connect - NodeJS

I have an AWS RDS which is publicly accessible and I want to connect to that RDS using AWS Lambda. I am using API Gateway to create a Rest API named "/hello", which needs to return the RDS connection status. The Lambda code is given below. var mysql…
Keet Sugathadasa
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After installing RDS on WinServer 2016 I still can only connect with two users?

What I'm trying to do: I have a software that multiple users are supposed to use on one system. Because a standard installation of WinServer2016 can only hold a maximum of two users at once I googled and was told that a Terminal Server / RDS Server…
1 answer

$_GET not pushing data to mysqli_query insert

I have a the below code to capture URL variables and push them to an RDS database. When I open the below as a page using this url…
Andy Mac
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AWS EC2 vs RDS performance

I have an m4.10xlarge EC2 instance and a AWS RDS, both running MySQL 5.7 with same data. I tried running a few complex queries (cross joins, nested select) on them, and found that the EC2 instance has consistently better performance (lower duration…
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AWS RDS Storage didnt decrease after housekeeping database

Im Currently using AWS RDS on my system, and my storage is too big. And then i house keeping them and delete about 200 TB. But in my billing the storage didnt decrease at all. How can i decrease my storage on AWS RDS ?
2 answers

how to coneect to amaonz RDS localhost from my pc

i try to connect to my amazon RDS server in my home pc but i cant to do that i get a error: this is my code: $mysqli = new mysqli('', 'serverName', 'serverPassword', 'serverTable'); …
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Access RDS using .net core

I am new to .net core. I want to access RDS using .net core. It would be great if I can get steps to be followed for the same or some code sample. Thanks in advance.
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AWS RDS vs MySql database directly on EC2

I created MySql database directly on EC2 instance (I host there my web app and database), I didn't set up RDS. But my database constantly keep crashing. So now I want to use RDS. How to integrate my existing databases on EC2 with RDS? By integrate I…
Infor Mat
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How to connect to an AWS RDS MYSQL from an Amazon UX instance?

Problem explanation: Not able to connect to RDS-MYSQL instance from another EC2 instance. The other instance is an Amazon-Unix. listed below are the things tried. Checked the security group [allowed all]. Was trying to install MYSQL monitor.It…
1 answer

Cost comparison of DynamoDB vs mongodb vs RDS SQL DB

I am right now using dynamodb in my app which is not in production yet. I have app that shows following items in different views 1) show list of orders posted by other users from last 3 days to the user 2) show list of orders that user created 3)…
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2 answers

Upload multiple local csv files to AWS RDS

What's the fastest way to upload multiple local csv files to a AWS RDS? I have 100 Gbs of data in thousands of csv files sit on a local machine.
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How to restore my ec2 instance with rds snapshot

I am very new in amazon aws. I have one instance in Singapore region and site is developed in magneto. Database connection is with RDS. My site become offline after flush in magneto with following error - Error log record number: 1458881500905 enter…
1 answer

Mysql Dump RDS Trough Ec2 Instance

I'm trying to download a sql dump of my MySQL database in RDS through my local terminal. I have security groups setup so that only my ec2 instances can access this RDS database. Is there a way to run the mysqldump command all in one line w/o…
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aws web app error after deleting rds instance

I am developing website on aws instance with drupal 7 web app, and it is connected to the aws's mysql server (rds). I deleted my rds instance "my-db-instance" few days ago, and now my drupal web app running on my ec2 instance is giving me this…
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1 answer

Confused about RDS CALs and other CALs and what exactly I need for publishing remote apps for 30 users?

I have an application which I want to publish using Remote App in Windows Sever 2012 R2. I did some research and was able to setup everything in a test Win Server 2012 R2 hosted in Google Cloud. Right now, I can access remote apps like paint,…
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