Questions tagged [rdcomclient]

This package provides dynamic (i.e. non-compiled) access to COM objects from within R. It allows R to act as a COM client and invoke methods and access properties in any COM object that implements the IDispatch interface.

This package provides dynamic (i.e. non-compiled) access to COM objects from within R. It allows R to act as a COM client and invoke methods and access properties in any COM object that implements the IDispatch interface. This allows us to access and control applications such as Excel, Word, Power Point, Web browsers, etc.

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112 questions
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Extract Outlook Contacts using R

I am trying to query Outlook Contacts and extract them all in a csv file using R programming language. I have a example piece of code: ##################################################### library(RDCOMClient) ## init com api OutApp <-…
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Cannot get Russian Subject from Outlook using RDCOMClient

I am using Outlook under Windows 10 as my email client and am trying to use the RDCOMClient library to process some emails. Some of the emails are in Russian and I am having trouble getting the Russian part out in a usable format. Right now, I am…
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RDCOMClient + Outlook email + Attachment filename

I am trying to get the name of a attachment in the mail using RDCOM client in r. i am able to get the name of subject and also the text in the body But i am not able to figure out how to get the name of attachment OutApp <-…
1 answer

RDCOMClient - Set Vertical Range Values

I am trying to write values into a vertical Range using the RDCOMClient library. Since the RDCOMClient allows you to write code very similar to VBA, I've been looking for ways to do this in VBA and then translate to R. The base R code to create the…
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Edit excel property using RDCOMClient

I am unable to find any documentation for RDComClient package. I am unable to find the suitable parameter to change the background fill for a cell. library(RDCOMClient) xlApp <- COMCreate("Excel.Application") book =…
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outMail[["From"]] In R

I have a shared email account for my group at work. I've used StackOverflow to very helpfully automate the process of sending an email with multiple attachments from my personal email but I'd like to change the address to be from the shared email…
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RDCOMClient + Outlook email

I am trying to send emails from my outlook via an R-Code. It is working well for most part. I am using the RDCOMClient to do what I need. The only issue is the Signature; I tried instructions given in this link: How to add my Outlook email signature…
2 answers

Running Excel macros from R through RDCOMClient, error -2147418111

The objective is to add data to an existing excel file with OpenXLSX, then run macros in the same Excel file using RDCOMClient, saving it along the way, from an R script. The Excel macros make changes to the pivot table filters and collapse points…
Ben Jacobson
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How to show an excel worksheet in outlook body by R

I can attach an excel file into outlook by RDCOMClinet package. but how can I show the excel worksheet content in the mail body by R? Assume there's a table and a graph are contained in a worksheet. library(RDCOMClient) ## init com api OutApp <-…
0 answers

How to retrieve Outlook Mail items using R RDCOMClient?

I have been using R's RDCOMClient package to manipulate Excel files and it has been a tremendous help. Now I am venturing on to using Outlook and have learned how to send mail using the thread here However, I want to use R's RDCOMClient to retrieve…
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How to change Chart Title in Excel via RDCOMClient?

How do I change the title of my chart in Excel via the RDCOMClient package? I can create a chart and obtain its title as follows: # Load package and helper functions - see…
Tony Breyal
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RDCOMClient package suddenly gives me: No support for InterfaceSupportsErrorInfo

I've been using the RDCOMClient packge in R for over a year now without a problem. Now suddenly it's giving me an error: 80070057 No support for InterfaceSupportsErrorInfo checkErrorInfo -2147024809 Error: The parameter is…
1 answer

Reply all to an Outlook email via R

I'd like to reply all to an email in Outlook (say, the first object in emails below), but can't reconcile how to create a new mail object and reply all to that first object in emails. require(RDCOMClient) require(tidyverse) OutApp <-…
1 answer

Installing RDCOMClient in Databricks

I am trying to install RDCOMClient in databricks so I can send emails through Outlook. Below is my code in a cluster: devtools::install_github("omegahat/RDCOMClient") library(RDCOMClient) This is the error I am getting: Any idea why this may be…
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Cannot install SWinTypeLibs, but need to know what functions are in ComCreate(Word.Application)

Please forgive me if this is not perfect but this is my first post. I am currently working on trying to transform a large number of .docx documents into .pdf I have found the RDCOMClient package which has done wonders. However I now need to add alt…
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