I am unable to find any documentation for RDComClient package. I am unable to find the suitable parameter to change the background fill for a cell.

xlApp <- COMCreate("Excel.Application")
book = xlApp$Workbooks()$Open("C:/Users/koyeli.majumder/Desktop/Dashboard/National Level Dashboard.xlsb")

sheet = book$Worksheets()$Item(1) 
xlApp[["Visible"]] = TRUE

cell  <- sheet$Cells(6,6)
cell[["Value"]] <- 3.1
cell[["NumberFormat"]]  = "[Red]"  # till this it was fine

cell[["Style"]] = 1

This gives error

<checkErrorInfo> 8002000E 
Error: Invalid number of parameters.
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1 Answers1


RDCOMClient is a general COM interface. It is not specific to Excel. You will need to refer to general Excel documentation which typically refers to Basic or javascript and translate it to R.

Interior color is set as shown below. The color index numbers can be found here: https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/cc296089(v=office.12).aspx


xl <- COMCreate("Excel.Application")
xl[["Visible"]] <- TRUE
wkbk <- xl$Workbooks()$Add()
sheet <- xl$ActiveSheet()

x12 <- sheet$Cells(1,2)
x12[["Value"]] <- 123
x12[["Interior"]][["ColorIndex"]] <- 3  # Red


G. Grothendieck
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