Questions tagged [rattle]

Rattle is a graphical user interface for data mining in R

Rattle (the R Analytic Tool To Learn Easily) provides a Gnome (RGtk2) based interface to R functionality for data mining. The aim is to provide a simple and intuitive interface that allows a user to quickly load data from a CSV file (or via ODBC), transform and explore the data, build and evaluate models, and export models as PMML (predictive modelling markup language) or as scores. All of this with knowing little about R.

77 questions
2 answers

rattle installation error: Invalid root element:

I am new to data mining and R. Please provide how to proceed with following query. I want to use the R-package Rattle for my data analysis on my MS Win 10- X64 system. I am following these instructions. I install the package using …
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Error when installing: cannot coerce type 'closure' to vector of type 'character'

Tried to install all rattle related packages by typing: install.packages(rattle, dependencies = c("Depends","Suggests")) and got this Installing package into ‘C:/Users/Hooman/Documents/R/win-library/3.1’ (as ‘lib’ is unspecified) Error in…
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CentOS 6.5: Howto install GTK version 2.8.0?

I am running CentOS 6.5, kernel2.6.32-431.5.1.el6.x86_64 #1 SMP. I am trying to install Rattle - data mining tool for R programming language. Rattle is installed from R shell. Notwithstanding I have latest GTK installed, when trying to install…
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4 answers

Error in installing packages 'RGtk2' and 'rattle' in R

I tried to install R packages 'rattle' but when I typed install.packages('rattle') it returns Warning in install.packages : dependency ‘RGtk2’ is not available So I tried install 'RGtk2', install.packages('RGtk2') it returns Warning in…
Edward M.
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2 answers

r rattle fancyrpartplot errors

Trying to run fancyrpartplot for the first time and running into errors. > fancyRpartPlot(rpart.sub1) Error in loadNamespace(name) : there is no package called ‘rpart.plot’ I've searched and searched but can't find a solution. I've tried removing…
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How do I convert a logical variable to factor in Rattle

I am using Rattle to run randomForest against my training data set. One of the variables has values FALSE and TRUE. > str(mydata) 'data.frame': 421570 obs. of 2 variables: $ Trial : int 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ... $…
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3 answers

What does the number on top of a node in a fancyRpartPlot decision tree mean?

What does the number on top of a node in a fancyRpartPlot decision tree mean? I've highlighted them in the picture below. My guess is that they are the order/rank of the nodes, but I can't explain the jumps (in th example, 9-11 are missing) in the…
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Print dates without scientific notation in rpart classification tree

When I create an rpart tree that uses a date cutoff at a node, the print methods I use - both rpart.plot and fancyRpartPlot - print the dates in scientific notation, which makes it hard to interpret the result. Here's the fancyRpartPlot: Is there…
Sam Firke
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Decision Tree visualization error in rattle Error: the FUN argument to prp is not a function

I created a decision tree in rattle for the in-built wine dataset. The output is shown below Summary of the Decision Tree model for Classification (built using 'rpart'): library(rpart) library(rattle) n= 124 node), split, n, loss, yval, (yprob) …
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1 answer

Running Rattle on Mac OS X 10.9 (Mavericks)

After installing Mavericks on my Mac, I'm not able to run Rattle anymore. Because of compatibility issues between RStudio and 10.9 (, I installed v 0.98.433 of RStudio and R 3.0.2 Tried to…
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When exploring data, box plots won't share pages with other diagrams in Rattle

I am currently working through Data Mining with Rattle and R by Williams. I am on page 32 of his book and on the following tab in Rattle: Explore > Distributions Reiterating the title, when exploring the data, box plots won't share pages with other…
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Unable to launch rattle - "Memory not mapped"

I'm trying to launch rattle on my R console, but whenever I run the rattle command, my R console crashes with a "memory not mapped" error message. Could anyone advise me on what could have gone wrong and how do I resolve this issue? I am running…
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How do I resolve the following error while opening a ".rattle" file? "Error in .RGtkCall("S_gtk_file_chooser_dialog_new_with_backend

I have R Version 3.5.2, RStudio Version 1.1.463, and Rattle Version 5.2.5. on 2 Windows 10 machines. After launching Rattle successfully I click on the "Open" button to attempt to open a .rattle file. After clicking the open button I get the…
1 answer

Install RGtk2 on macOS Sierra 10.12.6 and R Version 3.4.1

My ultimate goal is to install the rattle package in R, and to do that, I need to install the dependency RGtk2. This question is similar to Installing RGtk2 on macOS Sierra (Version 10.12.4) and R version 3.4.0 But I have gtk installed. This…
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Difficulty installing GTK 2.8 Mac OS X 10.12.6 for installing Rattle package in R.

I only want to install the Rattle package and its dependencies in R, though I got that GTK 2.8 is required. Since I'm not a programmer I went the most simple route and ran homebrew but it installed GTK 2.24. Now I get this error instead [full…
João Ramos
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