Questions tagged [railo]

Railo is an Open Source (LGPL) rapid application development platform implementing the general-purpose CFML language, compatible with Adobe ColdFusion's implementation but with various extensions/updates. Don't forget to also use the `cfml` tag for any Railo questions involving the CFML language or any general CFML concepts.

Railo is an Open Source server-side rapid application development platform which implements the general-purpose CFML language, partnered with JBoss, and compatible with Adobe ColdFusion's implementation but with various extensions/updates.

When asking Railo-related questions, remember to indicate which servlet engine you are using (e.g. ,,,etc), which installation method used, and any CFML frameworks you might be using. Documentation can be found at

Don't forget to also use the tag for any Railo questions involving general CFML concepts. If your question/code is for both Railo and ColdFusion, use both and tags.

445 questions
7 answers

How to do a cfdump inside a cfscript tag?

In order to debug I would like to dump certain variables on to my web page. How can I do that from inside a cfscript tag? I tried the following but it isn't working: ...
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2 answers

cfqueryparam with like operator in ColdFusion

I have been tasked with going through a number of ColdFusion sites that have recently been the subject of a rather nasty SQL Injection attack. Basically my work involves adding tags to all of the inline sql. For the most part I've…
Doug R
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6 answers

Trying to find a syntax highlighter for ColdFusion in Notepad++

I use CFEclipse for most of my projects and heavy lifting but sometimes I find the need to do a quick fix on pages outside the project scope that is easier to accomplish in a simple text editor. I have googled but can't seem to find an answer so…
Michael BW
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1 answer

How do I clear the coldfusion query cache without restarting the server?

I have several queries that I cache using the cachedwithin="#CreateTimespan(...)#" attribute of the cfquery tag. There are times when I need to clear the cache (or just re-execute the query to get a new cached copy). Historically, I've done one of…
Jake Feasel
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6 answers

When should I use # in ColdFusion?

This has been one of the biggest obstacles in teaching new people ColdFusion. When to use # is ambiguous at best. Since using them doesn't often create a problem it seems that most people gravitate to using them too much. So, what are the basic…
Tom Hubbard
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4 answers

ColdFusion - When to use the "request" scope?

Been going over my predecessor's code and see usage of the "request" scope frequently. What is the appropriate usage of this scope?
10 answers

ColdFusion Security

What are the best practices for securing a coldfusion webpage from malicious users? (including, but not limited to, sql injection attacks) Is cfqueryparam enough?
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4 answers

Nginx client_max_body_size not working in Docker container on AWS Elastic Beanstalk

I'm having a problem where nginx seems to be ignoring (or overriding) my upped client_max_body_size directive in a Ubuntu Docker container on AWS Elastic Beanstalk. This is preventing users from uploading files any larger than the nginx default of…
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8 answers

Is OpenBD or Railo a viable replacement for ColdFusion?

Has anyone here had any experience with running OpenBD or Railo in production? We have some legacy CF6.1 apps that need to be hosted somewhere and I'm wondering if OpenBD or Railo is stable enough for production use, won't require a great deal…
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4 answers

ColdFusion adding extra quotes when constructing database queries in strings

I am coding in ColdFusion, but trying to stay in cfscript, so I have a function that allows me to pass in a query to run it with #query# Somehow though, when I construct my queries with sql = "SELECT * FROM a WHERE…
4 answers

Is ColdFusion on Linux/Apache stable?

I'm working on a site that still has a lot of scripts in ColdFusion. I need to move it to a new server. I much prefer Apache/Linux instead of IIS/Windows. I've seen some info here and there about running ColdFusion on Apache/Linux. Is that a stable…
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2 answers

How to view undelivered mails in Railo server?

How can I view undelivered mails in railo server? Does it have any undelivered mail folder in server admin? smtp server name and password are provided properly. And my network connection is also good. But I cant see the undelivered mail in ralio…
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1 answer

Extending ColdFusion with application wide UDFs

I've been exploring different methods of structuring my ColdFusion applications and I'm looking for some opinions on the best way to provide application wide UDFs. For each of my apps, I generally use a bunch of extra functions that don't really…
Gary Stanton
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2 answers

Is using cfsqltype good practice?

When coding a cfqueryparam or cfprocparam, cfsqltype is optional. However, I've usually seen it coded. Are there any benefits to specifying cfsqltype?
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4 answers

What Notable Differences are there between Railo, Open Bluedragon, and Adobe Coldfusion?

An attempt to capture notable differences between implementations: Adobe ColdFusion Railo Open Bluedragon (I'm aware of Smith, but don't believe it's still active). Include CFML and platform differences - syntax, feature, and extensibility.…
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