Questions tagged [rack-cors]

40 questions
2 answers

Rails 5.1 CORS - how to set different origins for different environments

I am using the rack-cors gem with a Rail 5.1 API. I have the following initializer as per the documentation: config/initializers/cors.rb module Api Rails.application.config.middleware.insert_before 0, Rack::Cors do allow do origins…
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ruby on rails - rack-cors multiple origins with different resources

I'm implementing CORS in my rails application using rack-cors gem for it, but I'm not sure how can i define different resources for different origins. I need something like that: config.middleware.insert_before 0, Rack::Cors do allow do …
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Invalid request parameters: invalid %-encoding when upload file to Rails api only server

I am working on web app that use Reactjs as a front-end and Rails5 api only app as a back-end This is the data that i send to the server as Request payload ------WebKitFormBoundaryCD1o71UpVNpU4v86 Content-Disposition: form-data;…
Varis Darasirikul
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How to enable CORS for only selected route rails

I am on Rails5 and I want to allow CORS on one of my route. Here is how I can allow CORS for all my route, but is there a way to only whitelist for one endpoint? config.middleware.insert_before 0, Rack::Cors do allow do origins…
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ActionDispatch::Cookies not setting Set-Cookie header in response but response.set_cookie does

I have a Rails 5 API only app and want to send cookies in the response of a JSON request. When I use ActionDispatch::Cookies to set a cookie in the response of the request it doesn't set Set-Cookie header in the response. Although…
Raounak Sharma
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Ruby on Rails Rack Cors Middleware Blacklisting

I'm working on a legacy project in Rails 4 where the rack-cors gem is used for allowing CORS. I know that there is an option to whitelist a domain. use Rack::Cors do allow do origins 'localhost:3000', '', …
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Not able to get rack-cors Gem to work for Rails6

I've created a widget show view in my Rails 6 application that I would like to be accessible for third party websites by using an iFrame. For managing the CORS I'm using the rack-cors Gem. But I'm not able to get it to work. Here's my setup: The…
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Cross Origin post to Rails site

I'm using the rack-cors gem with Rails: I need to whitelist ONE domain so that it will allow that domain through. I would think that this would allow traffic from the whitelisted domain . I am making a POST…
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Can't access params sent in POST request from React client to Rails api

I have a React Login component running on localhost:3000. It returns a form which, on submit, uses JS fetch() to post its information to SessionsController in a rails api which runs on localhost:3001. I've alternated between using a FormData object…
David Kennell
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Why isn't my CORS configuration causing the server to filter incoming requests? How can I make the server only accept requests from a specific origin?

I'd like my Rails 5 API-only app, for now running on http://localhost:3000, to only accept requests from my NodeJS front-end app, for now running on http://localhost:8888. So I configured /config/initializers/cors.rb like…
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Rails 6, React, Rack-Cors

I have a react app running on localhost:3001 and a rails 6 api backend on localhost:3000 I keep getting cors errors when I post from react to rails. The rails app has Rack Cors. I've tried adding this to cors.rb in the initializers…
2 answers

Rails 5.2 CORS blocked

thanks in advance for anyone who can help me with this !! I'm running a Rails 5.2 application with React and Webpacker, and I want to display a Gravatar icon for my users when they're logged in, but I keep getting blocked by the browser CORB. I've…
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Rails ActionController ignores request headers

I have a simple controller method that logs headers via ActionController's #headers method: class ThingsController < ActionController::Base def show headers render json: {response: 'success'} end end However, when I…
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Fetch API cannot load, Redirect failed. only on Google chrome?

My site is using reactjs as a front end and using Ruby on Rails 5 api only app as a back end (store on the different host) So my front end is running on and sent the request to to get the data from the…
Varis Darasirikul
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1 answer

Rails - Allow localhost in CORS settings only in development

I'm configuring CORS settings for my rails server - I want to be able to test my backend when I run it locally, using a frontend on localhost. But, to my understanding, CORS is an important security mechanism against CSRF(?), so when the app goes to…
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