Questions tagged [qudpsocket]

The QUdpSocket class provides a UDP socket

UDP (User Datagram Protocol) is a lightweight, unreliable, datagram-oriented, connectionless protocol. It can be used when reliability isn't important. QUdpSocket is a subclass of QAbstractSocket that allows you to send and receive UDP datagrams.

69 questions
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QUdpSocket: Program send but do not receive

I have problem with QUdpSocket. I want to create a simple program to send and receive data using the UDP protokol. I already read many similar topic but I do not found solved. Communication worked only for QHostAdress::LocalHost, then I give this…
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copying char to QbyteArray with datastream contains some extra bytes

Overview of problem: OS : Ubuntu I am using qt utility to receive video data from remote machine( remote machine is using gstreamer to send live data) and write that data to port say 5000. Port 5000 is already bind to another gstreamer utility.…
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Qt5 QUdpSocket does not work on Windows Phone 8.1?

I can receive QUdp datagram on my Windows Phone but I cannot emit anything, the emitted datagrams are not seen by any of my devices on the network ? I've set
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QUdpSocket doesn't have writeDatagram() function in PyQt5?

Why in PyQt5 QUdpSocket doesn't have writeDatagram() but just write() and writeData()? Then how can I send the data to the certain IP address and port?
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Could std::list be used for a simple lock-free queue?

I am implementing a multi-threaded application in C++11 which uses a thread to poll data from a QUdpSocket (QT5 framework) and another one to process the collected data . When incoming data is detected by the socket, a ReadyRead() signal is emitted…
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QUdpSocket link-local multicast between linux and windows machines

I have a problem for connection 2 computers. First (transmitter) run's on windows and second run's on linux (ubuntu 16.04). I'm transfer data through QUdpSocket between this 2 machines by local , but when transmit pass through, receiver catch…
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QUdpSocket write buffer full?

I'm using a QUdpSocket on Windows XP to send some data. At each 10 seconds, I'm sending about 100 to 500 packets each about 50 bytes. I don't have any problem on host sending small amount of packet each times. Problems occurs on host sending 500…
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Send XML data by UDP

I am writing a program that on input sends out a message with some data. I want to be able to send out a udp message by multicast, and I want to be able to send this message out in an xml format. Currently my program is written in qt, and if…
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Qt QUdpSocket: readyRead() signal and corresponding slot not working as supposed

I have problems to find why my short QUdpSocket example is not working. I plan to use only one UDP socket to read and write to an embedded device at on port 2007. The device will reply always on port 2007 to the sender. I tested the…
Massimo Manca
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UDP Server-Client Chat in C++/Qt

I'm trying to write a chat program using Qt. It's half completed but it has some problems. First of all I get an error when I want to send my written message in lineedit to the client. It's a QString, but the writeDatagram only sends a QByteArray.…
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How to write to port 0 with QUdpSocket?

I want to implement the WoL Magic Packet using Qt to be portable cross GNU/Linux and Microsoft Windows. Wikipedia says: "is typically sent as a UDP datagram to port 0 (reserved port number), 7 (Echo Protocol) or 9 (Discard Protocol)", but I couldn't…
Ghasem Ramezani
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QUdpSocket not receiving data on Windows but working on Ubuntu?

I have an application in QT 5.14 which works perfectly fine on Linux (Ubuntu) however, when I try to build it on windows the QUdpSocket receiving data. Following is the header file: #ifndef MYUDPSOCKET_H #define MYUDPSOCKET_H #include…
Prateek Khatri
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Why my class doesn't receive UDP datagrams with the Qt QUDPSocket?

I'm trying to develop a UDP datagram receiver to read packets from a UDP server that update information via UDP datagrams. I want to receive the datagrams and after update the data reading the payload. I followed the Qt Tutorial Example for…
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Is a manual QUdpSocket implementation right for image streaming? or are there better ways?

I'm creating a remote viewer for an image processing application and need to send the results over the network so they can be recorded. I'm currently trying to stream the images with a UDP socket based on QUpdSocket. UDP is fine because I don't need…
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Packets sent from QUdpSocket are not seen in Wireshark

I'm trying to see my outgoing UDP traffic in Wireshark. I created new socket and bind it to my QHostAddress::LocalHost with no errors. I then sent some data writeDatagram and the return value is correct, but I see no outgoing traffic in Wireshark.…
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