Questions tagged [quarkus]

A Kubernetes Native Java stack tailored for GraalVM & OpenJDK HotSpot, crafted from the best of breed Java libraries and standards

Quarkus makes creating Cloud Native Container First Java applications a productive and efficient experience.

Combine both the familiar imperative code and the non-blocking reactive style when developing applications.

Quarkus tailors your application for GraalVM and HotSpot. Amazingly fast boot time, incredibly low RSS memory (not just heap size!) offering near instant scale up and high density memory utilization in container orchestration platforms like Kubernetes. We use a technique we call compile time boot.

$ ./my-native-java-rest-app
Quarkus started in 0.008s

A cohesive platform for optimized developer joy:

  • Unified configuration
  • Zero config, live reload in the blink of an eye
  • Streamlined code for the 80% common usages, flexible for the 20%
  • No hassle native executable generation

Quarkus brings a cohesive, fun to use full-stack framework by leveraging best of breed libraries you love and use wired on a standard backbone.

Useful links:

1608 questions
2 answers

How can I debug my Quarkus application that is running in dev mode?

I have launched my application using the Quarkus dev mode (mvn quarkus:dev) and I would like to be able to debug it. How can do that?
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3 answers

How to create a Jandex index in Quarkus for classes in a external module

First of all, I have a multi-module maven hierarchy like that: ├── project (parent pom.xml) │   ├── service │   ├── api-library So now to the problem: I am writing a JAX-RS Endpoint in the service module which uses classes in the api-library. When…
Emre Isik
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2 answers

Quarkus how to set environment variables in

recently I swapped from thorntail to quarkus and I'm facing some difficulties trying to find how to set environment variables in in thorntail I used something like this ${env.HOST: localhost} that basically means put…
1 answer

quarkusio change default debug port using quarkus:dev

I have two apps running. App1: Read from amq, enrich the message and send the message to App2 through other amq App2: Read the message and call another project for processing. Y want to debug booth Apps in the same time and see how the message…
Victor Avila
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3 answers

Maven multi module project with Quarkus in dev mode

I am new to Quarkus and try to use it in a Maven multi module project. My project is structured as followed: - quarkustest (pom) - quarkustest-application (jar) - quarkustest-backend (pom) - quarkustest-backend-rest-api (jar) -…
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1 answer

Why does Quarkus warn me about injection in private fields?

When I use something like the following in my Quarkus application: @Path("v1") @Produces(APPLICATION_JSON) public class HelloWorldResource { @Inject private SomeBean someBean; } then I get a warning the following during the build…
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1 answer

How can use an in-memory H2 database when testing my Quarkus application?

I plan to use PostgreSQL as the database for my Quarkus application but I would like the convenience of using H2 in my tests. Is there a way I can accomplish such a feat?
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2 answers

How can I configure the port a Quarkus application runs on?

I would like my Quarkus application to run on a port other than the default. How can I accomplish that?
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2 answers

What is the right behavior of evaluatePreconditions on a date with milliseconds according to the specification?

While migrating my JAX-RS application from Jersey to Quarkus/Resteasy, I came across a behavior change with the method evaluatePreconditions(Date lastModified). Indeed, in my use case, the last modified date contains milliseconds and unfortunately…
Nicolas Filotto
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1 answer

Quarkus Swagger-UI Authorization

Im currently working with Quarkus and Swagger-UI as delivered by quarkus-smallrye-openapi. We have OIDC from Azure AD as security, which is currently not supported by Swagger-UI (see Swagger-Docs), so I can't add the "real" authorization to…
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1 answer

How to create a Jandex index in Quarkus for classes in a external module for Gradle

Based on the following maven configuration from this SO question, answered for Maven builds, I need an equivalent bit of code for a Gradle setup. Looking around, I can't find a setup that does this for Gradle. Synopsis of issue from other question:…
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3 answers

Integration testing with Testcontainers + Quarkus + MongoDB

Trying out testcontainers for integration testing. I am testing rest api endpoint. Here is the technology stack - quarkus, RESTEasy and mongodb-client I am able to see MongoDB container is started successfully but getting exception. Exception:…
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1 answer

Why 'Quarkus' chose 'Agroal' instead of 'HikariCP' as the preferred datasource and connection pooling implementation?

As per the Quarkus documentation : In Quarkus, the preferred datasource and connection pooling implementation is Agroal. But, I don't see any review or comparison of 'Agroal' with the well known JDBC Connection Pooling implementation…
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1 answer

Error to inject some dependency with kotlin + quarkus

I want to include a dependency in my Kotlin Resource file. But I cant. I made this tutorial: But, to start the project, I've included extension "kotlin" in my project. My codes below: Country.kt package…
Renan Vaz
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1 answer

How can I override properties in Quarkus?

I would like to override the properties I have configured in my configuration file in my Quarkus application. How can I accomplish that?
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