Questions tagged [qt5.3]

Version 5.3 of the Qt library, that is a cross-platform application development application and UI framework. Tag this only for the issues with Qt 5.3 not other versions.

Version 5.3 of the Qt library, that is a cross-platform application development application and UI framework.

More information about new features in Qt 5.3 is here

113 questions
2 answers

QML ListView method positionViewAtEnd() does exactly the opposite

I'm going crazy. I have a ListView inside a ScrollView, hooked up to a model that inherits QAbstractListModel. When objects are added to the model, the ListView shows them using a delegate. So far, so good. But I really want the view to stay…
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Not possible to hide a QMenu object QMenu::setVisible()?

I have built up a QMenu MainMenu on top of my MainWindow in my application. As everybody is used to it, I have following QMenu Main menus: File - Edit - SuperHeavyExpertMenus - Settings - Help I would like to hide the sub tree…
Ralf Wickum
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1 answer

Module "QtQuick.Controls" is not installed on Raspberry Pi

I'm trying to compile some qml on a Raspberry pi 3 running Raspbian-Jessie using qt5 (5.3.2). I managed to run some simple stuff but now I need to use QtQuick.Controls so I added import QtQuick.Controls 1.0 to my qml file but when I try to run it, I…
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QGuiApplication stops the event-loop when phone is locked when compiled with Qt 5.3 or Qt 5.4 (but not with Qt 5.2)

I have created a simple program that reproduces the problem. When I lock the phone, or if I switch to another application in my android phone, the worker thread continues printing, but the event loop stops. When I switch back to my application, the…
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How to set a different background-color to a disabled button with QSS?

I have already tried to use disabled and !enabled but it doesn't work. Here is my QSS code : QPushButton { background-color:#44c767; border-radius:5px; border:1px solid #18ab29; color:#ffffff; font-family:arial; …
Jan Moritz
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1 answer

Editable checkbox only column in QTableView

I have column with a checkbox in a QTableView. The checkbox is generated by: returning Qt::ItemIsUserCheckable in overridden flags member function in overridden data() function I return a Qt::CheckState for role == Qt::CheckStateRole according to…
Horst Walter
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1 answer

Qt stylesheet in derived class in C++ namespace (selector)

I want to use my global qss stylesheet with a derived class. I understand I have to override the paintEvent (style sheet reference , or here). void CustomWidget::paintEvent(QPaintEvent *) { QStyleOption opt; opt.init(this); // tried…
Horst Walter
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2 answers

Pasting emoji in QT QTextEdit

I'm trying to paste emoji's in the QT QTextEdit box but it's not getting recognized and it's showing as ??? or [][] I'm not talking about smiley, I'm talking about emoji. How can I go about making sure that QT's QTextEdit accepts emoji and displays…
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1 answer

How to change the transient parent of a QML Dialog/Window?

I'm working on a Qt (5.3) desktop application (C++ core with a QML ui) whose main window is an ApplicationWindow and that at some point launches Dialogs. Since there are differences in the use of dialog modality between Windows and Mac OS X (e. g.…
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1 answer

Unable Run Qt5 Video player example on Raspberry Pi

I installed Qt creator(Qt5) and its examples on Raspberry pi 2 B Model. I'm running Raspbian Jessie on it. I tried to Run a Video player example but I end up with an error which was as follows: Starting…
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1 answer

Disable splitter cursor for QDockWidget

I have the following widget structure. CDockWidgetInfoBar is just a QDockWidget derived class When I move over the QDockWidget (CDockWidgetInfoBar), I see this splitter cursor. Where is it coming from? Can I disable it? Is it part of…
Horst Walter
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1 answer

How to see QTest results

I am using QTest of Qt 5.3.2 to execute some unit tests on a class. I am using VS2013 Express to build the tester. The VS project file is generated from a .pro file using qmake. For running the tests I added the QTEST_MAIN to my source file. The…
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2 answers

Signals for entered/exited events in TabView

I have a TabView, which has 3 Tabs, Say tab1, tab2, tab3. Each Tab has some widgets. I want to have some kind of signalling mechanism, so that when I enter tab3, I want to set the state of some of the widgets (e.g. a TextField) within tab3 and when…
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1 answer

Bind to imported Javascript property

How do I bind to a Javascript resource? I'm new to QML and are probably thinking about this the wrong way, but in the below example, I'd like the button to say "World" when I press it. main.qml import QtQuick 2.0 import QtQuick.Controls 1.0 import…
Marcus Ottosson
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1 answer

last modified date of file in Qt resource system

Normally you can get last modified date easily with QFileInfo::lastModified(). However this doesn't work when a file inside Qt's resource system is used QFileInfo resourceInfo("://resource.txt"); qDebug() << resourceInfo.lastModified().toString() //…
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