Questions tagged [qos]

Quality of service (QoS) is the overall performance of a telephony or computer network, particularly the performance seen by the users of the network.

To quantitatively measure quality of service several related aspects of the network service are often considered, such as error rates, bandwidth, throughput, transmission delay, availability, jitter, etc.

Quality of service is particularly important for the transport of traffic with special requirements. In particular, much technology has been developed to allow computer networks to become as useful as telephone networks for audio conversations, as well as supporting new applications with even stricter service demands.

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186 questions
1 answer

QoS in OpenWRT dependant on two IP's

I'm trying to develop a QoS system which controls two IP's. Using OpenWRT based router firmware, I have tried using TC and am having issues with incompatibility. Is there another package or set of packages which are available to achieve…
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IPV6 connection to IPV4 TOS option

could you help me? So problem is QOS On IPV6 socket when it connect to IPV4 server I can't set transport options on package self.socket = socket(PF_INET6, SOCK_DGRAM, 0); // Create UDP Socket int on = 1; setsockopt(self.socket, SOL_SOCKET,…
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ovs-ofctl queue-stats command not working and I cannot find ovs-vswitchd.log file

now I'm using ovs 2.4.0, and I made queues in Qos and stuck it to port. I can check queue list using ovs-vsctl list queue command, and I can also watch ovsdb-tool show-log command's result.(all queue is generated already.) I checked the…
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UDP sendmsg IP_TOS, setting QoS class on Linux atomic? (lock/signal bug)

Scenario: Two threads sending UDP on the same socket, and thread 1 wants to set different diffserv/QoS class than thread 2. We have solved this previously by wrapping sendto() calls in a mutex, and doing setsockopt() of appropriate QoS class before…
Erik Alapää
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CloudSim: need way to introduce performance degradation in VMs at certain simulation time

In Cloudsim, I need to introduce SLA violation at a particular time of the simulation e.g. from 600 to 1200 and from 2400 to 4000 (just an example). Such SLA violation needs to show a shortfall of mips from 600-1200 and 2400-4000 simulation times so…
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Priorities the traffic using TC

I would like to Traffic Control TC to priorities the traffic. For example I need the TCP goes via band0, UDP goes via band1, and other traffic goes via band3. I create the qdisc as follows: tc qdisc add dev eth0 root handle 1: prio tc qdisc add dev…
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How can I specify Quality Of Service in ESB 4.9.0?

I'm trying the new 4.9.0 ESB version, having some experience in using 4.8.1 version. I used to specify my own security policy using the Quality Of Service area in custom proxy configuration, but in the latest version that area is empty - without…
1 answer

Can we set non recommended values like 61 as DSCP value for QoS (Quality of services)

I am wondering if we can set/mark a packet header with non-recommended DSCP value. With Wireshark I can see that packet is marked "Unknown DSCP". So my question is "is it necessary to set the recommended value of DSCP always ? For Example. If I am…
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mosquitto bridge resend message at reconnect

Im publishing mqtt messages from machine1 to machine2 through a bridge. On machine1 Im running mosquitto broker and on machine2 Im using rabbitmq mqtt plugin. Im trying to hold messages in case of network disconnection. When it connects again it…
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Calling setsockopt many times

I have application which uses sockets to transfer data between two clients. It uses a single socket to communicate control and data traffic (over UDP). Qos and tos fields of IP header can be changed using setsockopt(sockfd, IPPROTO_IP, IP_TOS, …
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Windows 7: Launching an application silently with admin privileges under default user account?

How can you ensure that an executable is silently launched with admin (or sufficiently elevated) privileges when that executable is launched by a user who is logged into a Windows account which has default user privileges (i.e., not an admin…
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Is it possible or even allowed to implement QoS on server and client? Live555

I have been looking at RTSP of Live555 and seems they are following RTSP as per definition form IETF. So far they seem to have reporting for transmission (data sent) on the server end, and reception (data received ) client end. I am wondering is it…
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How to measure QoS parameters in the ns-3 simulation

I would like to simulate voip in a wimax network. What I would like to measure are the QoS parameters such as IPTD, IPDV and IPLR. I am new to the ns-3 simulator and I can't find anything about QoS measurment. I've already searched in google and it…
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What is a valid TC (QoS) u32 filter handle id

I'm trying to find a way of using some kind of naming convention to distribute unique id's among my app modules. I want each up to have a range of id's it can use to create TC filters / classes etc.. As it this page states : A u32 handle is…
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DSCP Precedence

How can I use Java to obtain the Precedence part of a DiffServe Code Point (DSCP) integer? I expect it involves bit shifting, but for some reason I cannot seem to obtain the values I would have expected.
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